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I wouldn't wait anymore. Talk to him about what you're upset about and ask him if he can make adjustments in his life to accomodate what you want. I don't think one message updating you on how he is is too much to ask for at all. Waiting for him to learn on his own how this makes you feel may take forever if it ever does happen. Cut to the chase. Maybe you'll get to hear about why he hasn't responded back.
Good luck!
First date: 12.27.09
Started the distance: 6.10.10
Finished the distance: 8.17.12
Seeing as he's having a bit of time for conversation and other commenting, I think a private message via FB every other day or so about what's going on with him and updates as far as his living status, internet, etc isn't too much to ask for. In fact, I think it's the least he can do if he can find the time at work and not get caught since, as you said, you don't know those circumstances. Even if he has to write it in internet shorthand to avoid the evil eye of a superior, it's better than what you've been getting and it will ease your anxiety.
You've waited enough - it's time to sit down and have a talk, via phone or Skype if possible, and lay out your feelings. Sometimes people feel like they can't give any real closeness from far away because they don't understand what they need to do exactly to help satisfy your needs. I would talk to him and ask for 1-3 specific things that he can concretely work on to help improve communication.
Examples: Maybe you want to talk on the phone three times a week for 20-30 minutes outside of work, or plan an hour long skype date once a week where you get to concentrate on each other and hear about each other's week. That's not too much to ask for, and those are specifics he can do to help your relationship remain strong.