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    We booked our flights today for our meeting in November!! I'm so excited! So, I have a few questions.

    What are the little things you always forget to pack or always wish you had thought to pack?

    For those of you that have met your SO for the first time at an airport, what should I expect? What were your experiences?

    For those of you that have made long flights (19+ hours), how bad was the jet lag? I'm only flying for 2 hours, but my SO is flying from England.

    I know I'll think of more questions, but I'm too excited right now to think!
    First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14

    things you don't want to forget: If you bring a fancy outfit, remember ALL of your accessories: shoes, purse, earrings, etc. Don't forget your lipstick/chapstick. And also: always bring something like pepto bismal tablets just in case.

    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


      Yay! I am so happy that you booked your flights!
      Things not to forget: medicine (the first time I met my SO in person I so many butterflies in my tummy!), bring cute outfits, make up, enough underwear and socks!


        That's great news! Congrats!

        I find that the thing that's easy to forget is adapters so you can plug in your electrical things like phone chargers or whatever. As for meeting at an airport for the 1st time, that's what I dd and it all happened very fast. One minute I wa getting off the plane, the next I was i her arms! It was so fast and I was SO nervous! I looked like I was going to faint apparently
        In a relationship with

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          As for jet lag, I tried my hardest to sleep on the plane. Of course, it's difficult to do. When you get to your final destination, try to finish out the day, no matter what it feels like to you.

          For example, when I went to visit my SO in Spain, I'd been up since about 8 AM East Coast USA time the day before, and it was about 3:30 PM Spain time (so 9:30 AM my time) by the time we finally got to the hotel. I was so dead, and I made it to about 8PM before I crashed. I woke up again about midnight, but went back to sleep pretty quickly.

          As long as you're getting yourself on a normal rhythm immediately, it's pretty easy to adjust. It took me about a day on both sides.

          If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


            Take something mouth freshening with you (gum.. whatever) so that you can take it when the plane is landing and you'll have a fresh breath when you meet your SO In case you'll kiss it would be nice to not have a bad breath.

            Don't forget warm clothes to the airplane. I usually feel cold very easily and planes tend to be a bit cold...

            Remember what his flight number is (or ask him to remember you flight) so the one who is there first can then check if the other plane is late.


              Yay! This is great news

              I can't give you any advice when it comes to jetlag because I've never experienced it myself.

              But as for stuff to bring... I always tend to way over pack so I don't think I've forgotten anything. :P But definitely bring stuff to do on the plane. I usually can't sleep on the plane, and you can only watch so many movies in 19 hours. Haha. And I definitely agree with maielle about wearing warm clothes on the plane. I'm always freezing during flights.

              Every time I see my SO at the airport I get so nervous and worried about what I am going to say, what I'm going to do, etc. But once I finally get to talk with him I calm right down right away.


                Congrats on getting the tickets booked FINALLY! =]

                The only thing I can recommend to make SURE you bring is Toothpaste and a toothbrush [When I went to see my SO last September, I forgot these!] and, if you wear contacts, your case for the contacts, solution and glasses [Same trip, forgot the solution.] Remembering chargers for your phone/Portable games are recommended too =]
                Have fun!


                  Jewlery: check
                  Pepto: check
                  Socks: check
                  Chapstick: check
                  Phone charger: check
                  Jacket: check
                  Toothbrush: check
                  Write down his flight number: check
                  (you guys said other things, but I think these are the ones I was in danger of forgetting)
                  Any other suggestions??

                  Jet lag:
                  @ squiddle: By the time we get to California it will be around 6 PM, so finishing the day shouldn't be too bad. But he's leaving his airport at 5:30 AM and then he'll be arriving at 5:00 PM, but it's a 19 hour flight (a couple layovers that last a few hours). I guess what I'm really wondering is how tired were you the next few days after the flight?

                  When we meet in the airport, we're going to have a few hours until we catch our flight to California (we're going to be flying there together). I'm kinda nervous about causing a scene. I don't doubt that one or both of us will be in tears. Has anyone had any bad experiences where people were rude to them in an airport?

                  Thanks for everyone's replies. <3
                  First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14



                    YAY!! Congrats.

                    The two of you will NOT notice anyone else in the airport at that will care LESS. Don't worry about anyone else...and savor that moment!!!
                    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                      What do you mean about tears? Like happy to see eachother tears? Whenever I'm at the airport there are always lots of people crying or hugging or kissing and stuff all over the place, after all it is an airport, so you probably won't stand out too much!


                        Lol, tears of happiness... hopefully. He damn well better be happy to see me.
                        First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14



                          For your SO, tell him to exchange about $50 before flying if he has layovers, so he can at least get a soda or candy bar in the airports, and for anything unexpected. I had a long layover in London, and while I had exchanged for Euros before I left, I didn't think to get some Pounds. I didn't feel like charging such little amounts so I just sat around thirsty until my next flight.
                          Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                            Originally posted by Moon View Post
                            For your SO, tell him to exchange about $50 before flying if he has layovers, so he can at least get a soda or candy bar in the airports, and for anything unexpected. I had a long layover in London, and while I had exchanged for Euros before I left, I didn't think to get some Pounds. I didn't feel like charging such little amounts so I just sat around thirsty until my next flight.
                            Thank you for the advice, I'll be sure to let him know.
                            First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14


