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Can it last now?

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    Can it last now?

    I'm a senior in high school this year, and I'm dating one of the exchange students from Taiwan from last year. We've only been together a few months, and I really do like him, but it feels like there's all this adversity against us. My sociology teacher says not to get married before you're 25 (and blah blah blah other adults think it's a bad idea), and I'm mostly afraid that, if I can't see or talk to him as much as a normal boyfriend, I'll fall in love with someone else. I'm especially worried about college--I don't like any of the boys in my grade, but what about all the people I meet in college? And when I study abroad (I plan on doing that at least 2 years--preferably 3 during college).
    Does anyone have any success stories about making it through college? Any tips? Comments?
    Probably not.

    Yes of course it can! I'm sure there's plenty of examples of college success stories on here, and a whole bunch of people in a similar situation to you too

    If you both love each other (if not now, then maybe in time), and you're both committed to one another, then there's absolutely no reason why you can't make this work. I'm not saying it will be easy, that's one thing LDRs are not, but they can be very rewarding, especially if it's with the right person

    It's normal to have all those sorts of thoughts, everyone here has had them, or similar thoughts during the relationships. You don't want to pay too much attention to outsiders who have no idea what it's like to be in an LDR of how you should live your life and how you should manage your relationships, you should do whatever you think is the best thing for you at this point in your life.

    Good luck!
    In a relationship with

    Read mine & Tanja's story here!

    My Albums:
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    Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
    My dog Sam ♥


      Just because your in college doesnt mean it wont last! if you love each other and communicate with each other and work at it! There is no reason why it wont last!


        Well are you in love with him and is he in love with you? If the answer is yes being faithful/falling for someone else is surprisingly not an issue for most people.
        Relationships, at a base level, are about two people getting their needs met. If you're meeting each other's needs in whatever way possible, then it will most likely be fine.

        Sometimes it will be hard. There's this really cute person sitting next to you a few hours every day, great sense of humor, available, etc and you will think "could I be just as happy with someone else?" that's normal. But if you're both in love and you both want it to work, you will make it work.

        Oh! and stop worrying so much about everyone else's opinions on your relationships. Deep inside somewhere, you already know the answer. Trust yourself
        Carrots xx
        Last edited by Zephii; September 7, 2010, 07:02 PM. Reason: Added stuff
        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


          I think if you are want to work it out and stay with the guy, there should be no problem being in a LDR during college
          I'm in college myself, and i may meet new people constantly but i always know at the end of the day i want to be with my bf who i don't see often and who's 3007.65 miles away. But ultimately you should be successful if you and him are serious about being in a LDR while you're in college and whatever he has going on in his life.


            If you want to make this relationship work, then it will work! I've been in college almost 2 years now and have lasted with my boyfriend You can do it if you want it bad enough!


              I'm currently in college and have a senior bf back home and so far its going good my SO and I love each other and trust each other so there haven't been any problems. Hopefully he'll join me next year and then I'll be able to say we are a college success story. But no matter where you are, college or not, you are constantly meeting new people. There's always the chance of meeting someone else you are attracted to. But I haven't been attracted to anyone else so that's always possible too.


                Originally posted by Zephii View Post
                Sometimes it will be hard. There's this really cute person sitting next to you a few hours every day, great sense of humor, available, etc and you will think "could I be just as happy with someone else?" that's normal. But if you're both in love and you both want it to work, you will make it work.
                That's what I'm worried about. Is that really normal and okay? I'm afraid that if that happens, I'd start liking that other guy too much, and since he was physically there, he'd feel more real than my LD bf.


                  Originally posted by Shangrii View Post
                  That's what I'm worried about. Is that really normal and okay? I'm afraid that if that happens, I'd start liking that other guy too much, and since he was physically there, he'd feel more real than my LD bf.
                  It is normal, and it's okay to feel that way.

                  What's not okay is to lead New Guy on or to go ahead and go out with him without informing New Guy that you're seeing someone. If you really feel you have a potential for a better relationship close distance, and that your LDR isn't working, you need to take action. You need to discuss it with your boyfriend, preferably in real time (I know it's hard with a 12 hour time difference) if something's wrong.

                  If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


                    Success stories:

                    My friends from high school started dating the summer before college, saw each other every few months and lived about five hours apart. They got to see each other for three months every summer since they were from the same city. They got engaged around Christmas. They talked all the time, had fun together, and made the most of the moments they got to see eachother.

                    A friend of a friend dated his high school sweetheart long distance for four years in college. The relationship survived even though there were many rough patches (they had a month break up at the start, and then a girl that was trying to break them apart and date the boyfriend). They are now living together.

                    In both of these cases, the people involved had to sacrifice a lot of their social life in order to maintain their relationship. I remember the roommate of one girl was always complaining about how the girl would never go out on the weekends because she had to video chat with her boyfriend. But they made it work in the end!
                    First date: 12.27.09
                    Started the distance: 6.10.10
                    Finished the distance: 8.17.12

                    J & C

