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Long Distance Relationship TV Show

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    Long Distance Relationship TV Show


    I'm a reality TV producer in LA (a good one, not an evil one!) developing a new series about people navigating the challenges of long distance relationships, especially when it comes to trying to close the distance. I'm hoping to talk to people in their 20s and 30s across the US who either are currently in a committed LDR or recently (past 6-12 months) were able to work things out to live in the same city. I'm ideally looking for people who might be willing to share their story on TV, but right now I'm also happy just hearing people's stories.

    If you or anybody you know is interested in discussing your situation please shoot me an email at thedistancetv at gmail dotcom

    Thanks so much, I look forward to hearing from you!


    Have you gotten your request approved by the forums admin Michelle? Also, what reputable TV studio uses gmail adresses? What channel/studio do you work for?

    It'll take a lot more than words and guns
    A whole lot more than riches and muscle
    The hands of the many must join as one
    And together we'll cross the river


      Not trying to be deceptive, television is a freelance industry - we go from project to project, company to company. Happy to reveal more information to the admin if necessary.

