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How to handle the period after the first meeting?

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    How to handle the period after the first meeting?

    As the title suggests, I went to visit my girlfriend for 2 weeks from July 3rd to July 17th and it was even better than I imagined and we were completely natural with each other from the second we met in the airport. We both didn't want my visit to end but I left on July 17th and I hardly ever get emotional but it was one of the most painful moments when I had to say Goodbye (for a few months) at the airport. Since I got home things have been normal between us and we're adapting back to being in a long distance relationship very well but I struggle at times to establish a routine for the day as I'm not with her and I find myself being upset at random parts in the day. I just wanted to know is this normal after a first visit? Will It go away soon? And how did you cope after the first visit? Thanks in advance!
    Love is patient, Love is kind, Love never fails.

    I'm not sure that this is the answer that you want to hear, but it's all I have...
    My SO normally has to leave in this middle of the night or early in the morning so that I too sleepy to cry and watch him leave. I cry almost every time he is gone.
    You are not alone. It is normal, ESPECIALLY after a first visit. It's kind of like going back home alone after an extremely amazing vacation.
    I can't promise that the pain of missing her or that the void will go away, but there are ways to cope. Here are just a couple of suggestions...
    1. Focus on you! You had a life before her, you still have a life after her. That is ok and you don't have to feel guilty for that. I assume you have a job, school, family, friends... Fill your days with things that will help you focus on you and what you have to get done. Life doesn't stop when you and your SO are apart.
    2. Plan for your next visit. I love count downs. When you know how many days to count down, it becomes more exciting as time goes by. The anticipation builds up and positivity exudes. When you aren't sure of the next visit, there's more of a downing anxious feeling.

