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True love

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    True love

    you know true love when your SO is about to have an episode and you call them on the phone and talk to them so they dont pass out on the street. Thats what just happened with Denise, she has a mini little heart condition(its mostly an anxiety thing) where she'll actually pass out for a few minutes because her heart is racing, this time it was due to her blood sugar being low so she has to eat something. She texted me saying she felt dizzy and lightheaded and i knew she was about to have an episode so i called her up and told her that to which she told me she was still on the street and 10 minutes from her house, so to keep her awake until she was laying in her bed i kept talking to her on the phone, when she layed down on her bed i stayed on the phone even when she was going through the episode and stayed on until she was done with it, i made sure she was ok before i hung up. Will call her a little bit later again but i texted her saying "true love is when you talk to your love one so they dont pass out on the street" and she texted back: " and its also when you put your total faith and trust in them because you believe they wont let you pass out in the street because the sound of there voice is comfort enough" heh, i knew if i didnt do that and she passed out she would have hurt herself, so has anybody else had an experiance like this with there SO's?

    That was seriously sweet of you. <3

    I know several times I've talked my SO through his paranoia-ridden guilt that can be triggered by anything or nothing. He's had a rough past with a lot of things he regrets so it can eat at him at times where he either shuts down and hides or he flies into a rage. I remember once he became really bad and just wanted me to keep talking, to have something in the present so the past didn't swallow him and I had him talk with me to keep his mind busy, indulged every question he had ("am I ruining us?" "will we be together forever?", etc) and got him to the point where he was calm and could go to bed without worrying about nightmares. There have been several other incidents, one I mentioned in another thread recently, and I even helped him through a 103 Fahrenheit fever, twice, when he got it due to being overworked.

    I think it's just natural to do these things for those we love, without expecting anything in return but the knowledge they're safe, they're happy, and in good or at least decent health.


      That was very sweet of you! I think we've all had one of those moments when we had to drag our loved ones through a particularly difficult patch from a distance.

      PS: Could you please use more periods, commas, etc..? Your posts are really hard to read for me.


        That's such a nice little story Caitlin

        Originally posted by William View Post
        PS: Could you please use more periods, commas, etc..? Your posts are really hard to read for me.

        That made me smile hehe, but I agree - big blocks of writing are always trickier to read too. So much easier when there's smaller blocks broken up by gaps between paragraphs
        In a relationship with

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        Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
        Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
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          Originally posted by Andy View Post
          That's such a nice little story Caitlin

          That made me smile hehe, but I agree - big blocks of writing are always trickier to read too. So much easier when there's smaller blocks broken up by gaps between paragraphs
          While I agree it may be easier for some to read..if that is how she feels comfortable writing...I am cool with that...and will read a little slower....who am I to critique...we all have our way of writing.

          Anyway....glad she is ok.
          NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


            You're so sweet!
            I stayed up all night trying to help Travis when his dad was drunk and getting violent. The police were called and all that jazz. It was terrifying for him, and it worried me like crazy.


              Argh the rest of what I post was deleted when I quoted...anyway...

              I am glad you were able to help her "from a distance" you were there. I love those moments....(((Hugs)))
              NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                I think every couple has moments like these

                An example I can think of is whenever me or my boyfriend are driving home late from somewhere we always stay on the phone with one another to make sure the other person gets home safely!

