My SO is from Canada and I am from England. we met on Omegle 1 year and 2 moths ago, I was at a weird time of my life and I think she was too. We are both socially awkward and have social anxiety. Back then it was really bad for me I could not talk to people, I was really insecure about my voice and overall not a confident person especially around members of the opposite sex. That was until I met Her (ok yes we did not talk out loud to each other for five months and I wore a hat because I was insecure about my hair) she changed me.
As time went on we skyped everyday for 5 months until I finally had the courage to speak to her out loud, this was one of the hardest but most rewarding things I have ever done. I was pacing up and down in the hallway trying to pluck up the courage to go and speak to her and then I DID IT! I lay down and just started speaking and once I started I didn't stop. She looked at me and didn't know what to do haha. From then on my feelings started getting stronger for her and I had to tell her how I felt. So on the 10th of November 2014 in our weird little way of nervous talk we declared our love for one another and made it official. She actually said I love you" first and I responded with "so we are boyfriend girlfriend?" really fast.
It has been the best year of my life. We have been through a lot and I'm so happy to say that in two weeks I am going to be traveling to Canada for 11 days to Meet her in person
I have never Traveled on my own, even buying the tickets was a huge step for me Mentally but I am doing this because she's my SO. It really is amazing what can happen in a year I would never of thought I would be flying half way around the world to meet a Woman I've only seen through a screen. It's like something out a movie
but I love her more than anything in the world , I know she is worth it.
As time went on we skyped everyday for 5 months until I finally had the courage to speak to her out loud, this was one of the hardest but most rewarding things I have ever done. I was pacing up and down in the hallway trying to pluck up the courage to go and speak to her and then I DID IT! I lay down and just started speaking and once I started I didn't stop. She looked at me and didn't know what to do haha. From then on my feelings started getting stronger for her and I had to tell her how I felt. So on the 10th of November 2014 in our weird little way of nervous talk we declared our love for one another and made it official. She actually said I love you" first and I responded with "so we are boyfriend girlfriend?" really fast.
It has been the best year of my life. We have been through a lot and I'm so happy to say that in two weeks I am going to be traveling to Canada for 11 days to Meet her in person
