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Young, Crazy, but with direction?

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    Young, Crazy, but with direction?

    My SO and are in our 20's and have now taken on a true LDR relationship. We met in college but he ended up not staying at the school long story short. I just got home from a visit with him. It was absolutely amazing.

    We discussed how young we are, but also how happy we are, and how much we truly love one another. While we don't have anything set in stone, we know we want to be with one another and achieve our personal dreams as well.
    I guess we are both a little scared, and a little nervous but I know we are overjoyed to still have one another in our lives.
    As of right now, I will be finishing another semester at school then potentially going to visit him for a month in December/January. Then the next possible visit would be him visiting me in the spring or waiting until I did a work holiday for three months that summer.
    After that we have discussed me completing a master's over there the following couple years.
    I feel good, I am sad I have just left, I am still madly in love with this man of mine, and I believe we can do this.

    I can't wait to see what happens.
    Any one else in a similar length of time away? (3-4 months a piece)

    Just felt like writing and sharing, I love to hear opinions from those also involved

    That's exciting! I'm sure it feels good to plan things out with each other and know what you both want Where in Australia does your SO live? Mine lives in NSW.
    Right now, he's coming here in a month or so and is planning to stay for about 6 months (he just finished a degree). We don't really have the money to be seeing each other in such a short time and seeing each other after 3-4 months, so we save up for long visits. I'm currently doing online school, so I kind of have the freedom to travel around and do what I want. So after my SO leaves, we're going back to Australia together and I'll be on a Work and Holiday Visa. That will be the start of our de facto and the first step to getting the Partner Visa. I know I'm still young, but it's something he and I both want. We want to be together and we're going to work towards closing the distance. I think as we have gotten older, our priorities have changed. I have been with him since I was 14, so I was still in school, that means my priority then was to get through high school. Now that I've been out for awhile, my relationship has gotten more serious and our priorities are to each other now.
    It's nice to have someone else in the similar position as me and I can definitely relate to you I wish you the best of luck with everything!

