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Romantic moments

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    Romantic moments

    One night when Andy was here..he was speaking in welsh which sounds so so romantic, I love it when he does that!
    We were lying in bed, cuddling and being all smooth and lovey-dovey when suddenly he leaned close to me and whispered this amazingly beautiful sentence in my ear...
    My eyes got teary and I had butterflies in my stomach, his voice is so sexy and amazing.
    I whispered: "What does that mean?"
    And he whispered: "you smell like bird shit" and laughed for the next 20 minutes

    I wish I hadn't ask :|

    Any experiences like that anybody?

    Not long after he told me he got the job in Arizona, I grabbed him and whispered "no me dejes" ("don't leave me" for non-Spanish speakers). He stopped short and asked me where I learned that, since I don't speak much Spanish at all, and he's nearly fluent. And he just started kissing me.

    I guess it doesn't seem all that romantic, especially compared to the ones that most people here post...neither of us is especially romantic. But it was a tender moment, and we do have a whole bunch of those.

    If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


      Yeah we have them too but I meant this thread to be more about the anti-romantic things


        well I guess on anti-romantic notes, he and I were laying together reading the website texts from last night, we came across this one text message where the girl was telling her friend that "he sang goo goo dolls while licking her hand" so Belvy searched youtube for the song Iris with lyrics and started singing along with it, when he got to the chorus he took my hand and sang "When I lick your hand, I feel like a man." and started licking my hand. Awkward, yes, but cute as hell.



          Originally posted by Tanja View Post
          One night when Andy was here..he was speaking in welsh which sounds so so romantic, I love it when he does that!
          We were lying in bed, cuddling and being all smooth and lovey-dovey when suddenly he leaned close to me and whispered this amazingly beautiful sentence in my ear...
          My eyes got teary and I had butterflies in my stomach, his voice is so sexy and amazing.
          I whispered: "What does that mean?"
          And he whispered: "you smell like bird shit" and laughed for the next 20 minutes

          I wish I hadn't ask :|

          Any experiences like that anybody?
          :L That did make me laugh quite a bit :L


            lol well while Denise was here we were making love and being all romantic i went to sit up a bit and our skin made a little bit of a farting noise this happened twice and we tried so hard to get back in the moment but anytime we tried we ended up laughing hysterically


              Well I remember once talking on the MSN, we hadn't met in person yet, we were having a conversation and I told him (in spanish) "You seem as a very sweet person to me, you are so caring, you are a total "Salamero" it would be so easy to be your partner " which on my island means a very (sometimes extremely) cuddly person, that loves saying sweet nothings to the ear ect ect ect. Well he stayed silent for a while and then resumed the conversation but in a drier manner. I asked if something was wrong and he told me " I really don't think it was necessary for you to call me that" Puzzled i asked what had i said wrong and he answered " Being sweet and nice doesn't make me a "Salamero" you know!!" Well it turns out that on his island the word "Salamero" is used to describe a stupid person, someone that is very easy to fool. It was so funny (after we got to clear up the information and make sure we both were on the same page) From then on we have found quite a few words in spanish that are contextually well said in a sentence but have totally opposite meaning to each other so when we use them we always make sure to say "You are a such and such "WORD" .... Puertorican Style, or Trinidadian Style"


                Originally posted by Tanja View Post
                One night when Andy was here..he was speaking in welsh which sounds so so romantic, I love it when he does that!
                We were lying in bed, cuddling and being all smooth and lovey-dovey when suddenly he leaned close to me and whispered this amazingly beautiful sentence in my ear...
                My eyes got teary and I had butterflies in my stomach, his voice is so sexy and amazing.
                I whispered: "What does that mean?"
                And he whispered: "you smell like bird shit" and laughed for the next 20 minutes

                I wish I hadn't ask :|

                Any experiences like that anybody?

                That was INCREDIBLY funny!

                Haha, to be fair though, she had no idea what I was saying and it did actually sound quite nice!
                In a relationship with

                Read mine & Tanja's story here!

                My Albums:
                Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
                Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
                My dog Sam ♥


                  I remember when he learned I knew French, he was all over me saying something to him since I could do an accurate accent. So I told him he was a huge idiot, in French, and he didn't know and went nuts and told me to do more so I made up random insults just for fun. I don't know, it's funny when you're doing it.

                  I usually ruin romantic moments anyhow because I get nervous and my auto-pilot is humor/sarcasm. I think the worst you can do, if they're aware of the Rickroll, is just purr, "you know, I'm never gonna give you up, and never gonna let you down..." and wait for the moment of realization. Gold.


                    Originally posted by LadyMarchHare View Post
                    I remember when he learned I knew French, he was all over me saying something to him since I could do an accurate accent. So I told him he was a huge idiot, in French, and he didn't know and went nuts and told me to do more so I made up random insults just for fun. I don't know, it's funny when you're doing it.

                    I usually ruin romantic moments anyhow because I get nervous and my auto-pilot is humor/sarcasm. I think the worst you can do, if they're aware of the Rickroll, is just purr, "you know, I'm never gonna give you up, and never gonna let you down..." and wait for the moment of realization. Gold.

                    I'm just like that! I usually feel like I have to concentrate to be romantic, but sometimes my brain just starts thinking about jokes or funny scenarios when we're kissing and I have to really fight it! It's not like that all the time though But if I'm in a bit of a childish mood it can be hard to snap out of it, glad I'm not the only one!

                    Love the Rickrolling idea btw! Haha!

                    I've seen Rick Astley live... he was the warm-up for a Peter Kay gig
                    In a relationship with

                    Read mine & Tanja's story here!

                    My Albums:
                    Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
                    Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
                    My dog Sam ♥


                      I am one of the biggest dorks you will ever meet... I love to sing crazy songs and change the words...well sometimes I say the goofiest of things that just make me roll in tears...
                      NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                        haha, that's kinda funny but kinda sad at the same time, Tanja ^^; lol

                        There were a couple times when...we'd be in bed and whispering and stuff and he'd start kissing me and we'd be whispering between kisses. *blushes* it was kind of nice... it was...extremely romantic. I loved it immensely. I hope we have more moments like that...


                          So this is kind of embarrassing *blushes* But I'll share it to you anyways
                          I was in Texas visiting Ryan. One night he went to tuck me into bed but before I got into bed he got down on one knee and said "will you marry me?" and I said "what? yesss!" (cause it came totally out of left field) and before I could answer he got up and kissed me and said, "That was a good practice round. Now I know exactly how I'm going to do it to impress you" I was in so much shock!!!!!!! but yaaa.


                            There are so many... My SO cannot stay serious for more then 5 minutes...

                            I remember one time were we kissing and whispering to each other on his bed, then all of a sudden he leans over above me, takes his finger and goes "BOOP" and squishes my nose. I got so mad, moment completely ruined lol

                            And then one time it was snowing so we went to get ice cream (we never get ice cream in summer for some bizarre reason) so while we were waiting, we were cuddling each other for warmth, my hands were in his pockets, and our faces were pressed up against each other, so sweet and romantic in the snow, then he broke away from me and started to do the "wobbly legs dance" as I have named it T.T again, moment ruined, but I laughed as he looked so rediculous!

                            <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
                            <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
                            The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
                            <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
                            <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
                            Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
                            Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


                              Originally posted by paulawriteslove View Post
                              So this is kind of embarrassing *blushes* But I'll share it to you anyways
                              I was in Texas visiting Ryan. One night he went to tuck me into bed but before I got into bed he got down on one knee and said "will you marry me?" and I said "what? yesss!" (cause it came totally out of left field) and before I could answer he got up and kissed me and said, "That was a good practice round. Now I know exactly how I'm going to do it to impress you" I was in so much shock!!!!!!! but yaaa.

                              Oh wow! Tanja would've killed me if I'd have done that!

                              Plus she'd probably hold me too it and insist on going ring shopping ASAP!

                              I've promised her that I'll only ever ask her once so that when I do she'll know I won't be joking

                              Originally posted by nicole View Post
                              And then one time it was snowing so we went to get ice cream (we never get ice cream in summer for some bizarre reason) so while we were waiting, we were cuddling each other for warmth, my hands were in his pockets, and our faces were pressed up against each other, so sweet and romantic in the snow, then he broke away from me and started to do the "wobbly legs dance" as I have named it T.T again, moment ruined, but I laughed as he looked so rediculous!

                              Haha!! I did not see that coming!
                              In a relationship with

                              Read mine & Tanja's story here!

                              My Albums:
                              Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
                              Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
                              My dog Sam ♥

