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LDR's Aren't Eco-Friendly?!

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    LDR's Aren't Eco-Friendly?!

    Ok, you have GOT to read at least a portion of this dribble.

    Bull honky. With people who travel EVERY DAY for business trips they could do via phone/teleconference, for vacation, and so on... you're gonna rail against a tiny tiny percentage of fliers?

    I lol'ed.

    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete

    I will continue in my selfish ways and destroy mother nature for my boyfriend. Hopefully one day the world will forgive me.
    First date: 12.27.09
    Started the distance: 6.10.10
    Finished the distance: 8.17.12

    J & C


      I think people who frequently drive long hours alone to see their SO and then drive back alone actually damage the environment the most. Because when the distance is not that long, people tend to visit more often, and driving alone is the least efficient way to use a car. When distance between a couple is great enough, they may visit each other a few times a year and the environmental impact will therefore be much smaller.


        Originally posted by leonina View Post
        I will continue in my selfish ways and destroy mother nature for my boyfriend. Hopefully one day the world will forgive me.
        I agree with this.

        "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
        - A. A. Milne


          Originally posted by underthewater View Post
          I think people who frequently drive long hours alone to see their SO and then drive back alone actually damage the environment the most. Because when the distance is not that long, people tend to visit more often, and driving alone is the least efficient way to use a car. When distance between a couple is great enough, they may visit each other a few times a year and the environmental impact will therefore be much smaller.


          Anyway. I will continue to drive my 7 hours as frequently as I can....because the love I have for my SO is so grand.

          Soon that will all end.

          :rolls eyes at the joke of this..
          NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


            Airplane seats remain empty if I don't fly. My laptop is always on anyway, as is my phone.
            I am super eco-friendly


              I used to have to fly from Newcastle to London and then London to Finland (and back again) to see Elina. Now I can just drive/get the train to Edinburgh and fly to Finland from there..

              Anyways, to the point. One time, my flight back from London to Newcastle was on a huge plane, y'know.. like this

              That was a flight at hmm.. 8am? and I swear there was me and 4 other people on that plane.

              Whether I'm on that plane or not, it's gonna fly. Because I'm in an LDR doesnt mean there are more flights


                And just in case you were wondering...

                Breathing is also hazardous to your health.

                Something tells me none of us are planning on stopping that anytime soon either.
                Last edited by Thad; September 8, 2010, 07:59 PM. Reason: Spelling error


                  Originally posted by sam View Post
                  That was a flight at hmm.. 8am? and I swear there was me and 4 other people on that plane.

                  Whether I'm on that plane or not, it's gonna fly. Because I'm in an LDR doesnt mean there are more flights

                  Yeah exactly. I've been on a flight from Jyvaskyla to Helsinki and there were 6 others. EasyJet flights less than half full, and dozens of seats free on BA flights too. What an astonishingly ridiculous article. Obviously not much news that day...

                  You know what's great though?

                  Check out the ad at the top of the page when I just visited it now....

                  Irony at its best
                  In a relationship with

                  Read mine & Tanja's story here!

                  My Albums:
                  Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
                  Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
                  My dog Sam ♥


                    To be honest I couldn't care less. There are far worse things I could do to the enviroment. I don't eat much meat, I don't commute and I follow all the basic energy saving stuff. There's no way anyone that is sane is going to end their LDR for the sake of CO2.


                      So if we're not eco-friendly, that means we literally are murdering to get to them? Cuz I know people say they'd kill to see their SO and everything, so I guess we are. Go team?

                      Sorry I don't take environmentalist stuff very seriously. I do my part but I'm not taking a bike everywhere and reusing bathwater.


                        Considering how infrequently I see my SO, and the fact that for the first 10 months of our relationship, we were living across the hall from each other, I think I can take a plane occasionally. As other posters have said, those planes are flying anyway. My flight from Madrid to Asturias (the region where he was living in Spain) was less than 25% full. I had a full row, from window to window to myself on that flight. I threw my bag across the aisle and stretched out so I could sleep.

                        I do my part: I recycle, take short showers, run my dishwasher as infrequently as possible, wash all my clothes in cold water, try to keep my electric usage down (I minimize things I plug in)...I was using mass transit until I moved to the middle of nowhere. And darn it, I miss being able to hop the bus and get where I need. Unfortunately, it's not safe for me to walk or bike to work, because I totally would. It's only a few miles. On country roads, with no sidewalks and few street lights.

                        If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


                          I'm quoting Leonina on this:

                          "I will continue in my selfish ways and destroy mother nature for my boyfriend. Hopefully one day the world will forgive me."

                          Plus, with how infrequently I see my SO and considering that all the planes I take to see him are full...I don't think Mother Nature will kill me too bad XP


                            Originally posted by Thad View Post
                            And just in case you were wondering...

                            Breathing is also hazardous to you health.

                            Something tells me none of us are planning on stopping that anytime soon either.
                            Lets just stop breathing then too, it's bad for the environment, too much CO2.

                            Can Michelle and Frank create a sticker that says "My LDR kills nature, so I became a vegetarian."
                            First date: 12.27.09
                            Started the distance: 6.10.10
                            Finished the distance: 8.17.12

                            J & C


                              Originally posted by Andy View Post
                              Yeah exactly. I've been on a flight from Jyvaskyla to Helsinki and there were 6 others. EasyJet flights less than half full, and dozens of seats free on BA flights too. What an astonishingly ridiculous article. Obviously not much news that day...

                              You know what's great though?

                              Check out the ad at the top of the page when I just visited it now....

                              Irony at its best

                              LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete

