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LDR's Aren't Eco-Friendly?!

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    Meh, so I'll toss a few more cans in the recycling bin. I'm happy to be labeled selfish if it means getting the change to be with a guy who might actually be right for me for a change!
    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


      Originally posted by Moon View Post
      Meh, so I'll toss a few more cans in the recycling bin. I'm happy to be labeled selfish if it means getting the change to be with a guy who might actually be right for me for a change!
      NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


        I actually really do care about this stuff, but I still groaned. C'mon now? A date local movement? what the hell *shakes head*

        I mean, I try to be good, every time I fly I let my travel agent charge me the extra fee to equal out the emissions from the flight or some crap. I don't even know that I'm paying for, it's just a guilt tax I'm sure! But I still pay it.

        Let's have a look at all these families that have a car (or two) for every person in the household. The people who will drive to the end of the block rather than walking. People who waste power at every opportunity, don't recycle, smokers who throw their butts anywhere they feel like it and most of all the people who don't give a crap enough to even spare a thought for what they are doing. There are bigger fish than the people in LDRs. Guess what, today we drove an hour or so into the city, so we could climb a nice man-made plastic wall and drive another hour home - if we were long distance, we would have stayed home and talked on skype. Come to think of it, most of our dates now require us to drive somewhere, where before they were all in our heads. But I suppose our skype dates did make us breathe heavier, so we hurt the environment that way I just can't win. lol
        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


          I am sorry world, but the love of my life is much more important! But at least I use reusable bags That should count for something!


            For those who like to have a good laugh at this, I just created a group called LDRs= Loves to Deplete Resources
            First date: 12.27.09
            Started the distance: 6.10.10
            Finished the distance: 8.17.12

            J & C


              They're just trying to find something to write about. Oh, because it was OBVIOUS I'm going to end my relationship over this article. *sarcasm*


                ha. I think my old room mate probably racked up more CO2 emissions going back and forth from her CD boyfriends house then I did flying to America, considering I'm using public transport, therefore, my carbon footprint is shared with the other hundred or so passengers.

                honestly I read another article similar on a blog, there was a guys point of view and a girls, the guy was basically going on about how people in LDRs are a bunch of kids who think love conquers all. I think most of us on here realize, love DOES NOT conquer all, and a lot of CD relationships are proof of that. It takes a lot more strength and faith in the relationship in an LD then a CD by far. The girl was saying LDR's where the separation is longer then 6 months is doomed to failure and you should just give up now. She also said she had never been in a LDR... HOW THE HELL WOULD YOU KNOW THEN WOMAN?! I was so mad reading that page, but unfortunately, making comments was blocked so I couldn't breath fire at them....

                To be quite honest mr whoever wrote the article, that plane was chartered to fly months before I was even looking to book flights, it will fly whether I'm on it or not, and quite frankly, I'd rather be on it.

                <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
                <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
                The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
                <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
                <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
                Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
                Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!




                  So apparently everything sucks about LDR's. Destroying our precious Mother Earth, not knowing if our SO's are cheating on us (yeah, because trusting and being loyal just mean nothing :|), ending up meeting pedophiles, etc...

                  Let's just everyone dump our SO's and make the world a waaaaaayyyyyyyyyy better place, yeah? ^_^

                  >_> good god. That writer should get a life.

                  Ok, so I do other things to save the earth, I recycle, I try not to use the car loads when I could take the bike (can work on this one though), I take old clothes to flea markets or some charity thingy, I don't keep extra lights on, I try not to buy plastic bags and if I have to, I reuse it. Me/my SO flying to see each other every 2-3 months doesn't destroy the environment more than it would if we didn't do that.


                    uhm excuse me??

                    Our freakin presidents and politicans travel around the world all the time just to shake each others hands! Those 2-3 hours of discussing random useless crap could be held over Skype as well.

                    Im sorry for my language but I dont give a shit about the nature, I mean look at it, its already that fucked up that even if we reduced somethin it wouldnt help much >__>

                    Plus I should give up the love of my life for some random ****** out of my town just to save the green planet?
                    Fuck it I will be gone in about 80 years anyways, till then and after that there probably wont be any parks anymore and it'd look more like in the movie the 5th Element or The Minority Report >_>


                      wow... I got to the second paragraph and stopped, this is just ridiculous, really? I bet the person who wrote this article has flown on a plane more than me and my SO have to see each other, actually I'd waiver to bet that this person has flown on a plane more than the majority of people on this forum!



                        I think that's complete crap ^^; very very silly, Slate. I disapprove highly.

                        Then again, I'm from the camp that the world is meant to be used (though not abused) for resources.


                          Lol that is too funny

