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In your opinion, why is ldr worth it?

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    In your opinion, why is ldr worth it?

    I'm going strong with my boyfriend for a year and 2 months now, but I just wanted your thoughts on this. Why is your long distance relationship worth it - worth the wait, worth the sacrifices and commitments you'll make it, when you could meet someone close by? I just wanted your thoughts!! This isnt to mean that Im doubting my relationship, no. Sometimes, I just want to hear from others that it really is worth it. )

    You have to travel where the heart is. He is a very special person and I love him too much to let this go. Even if sometimes I think it is too hard, the thought of having to live without him is harder.
    I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
    - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

    "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


      I would say, "it's because I love him!!". While that is true, I have another perspective on it.
      If I'm being honest, there are times that I wish I could find someone that is closer and that would fulfill the loneliness inside of me. The fact is that I would be settling for less if I did that. I believe that my SO is the best possible choice for me. The distance is painful and lonely, but anything other than that would be the easy road. Anything worth having is worth working hard for.
      So yea, I could find someone else... but I would always wonder what could have happened between us.


        You don't find someone you're really compatible with and you can be comfortable with so much anywhere and all the time. It'll only happen a few times in your lifetime so it's worth taking the risk to see where this story is going. Breaking off something good for something uncertain seems like a waste of time.

        Relationship began: 05/22/2012
        First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
        Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
        Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
        Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
        Married: 1/24/2015
        Became Resident: 9/14/2015


          For me, it's worth it because he is the most amazing man that I have ever met in every single way. There is no doubt in my mind that he is the man of my dreams and, simply put, if we broke up no one would quite compare. Not only is he the perfect guy for me in looks, personality, and intelligence, but he also manages to surprise me in a new way every day whether it's a gift or just him knowing me better than I know myself. At the end of the day, no matter how hard long distance can be, I look around and I'm not even slightly tempted to find someone close distance. Why would I need to when I managed to find someone across the world that many people spend their whole lives looking for?


            It is worth it because the other option would be to be alone. I can't see myself "finding someone" close distance and being happy.
            So much has gone into this relationship. It takes time to build up, to learn to trust the other person, to get to know them, to learn how to function as a couple.
            My heart is in this relationship. If things didn't work out and we would break it of I could not think of another man for a long long long time.
            Relationships aren't disposable, you can't just change from one to another.
            He is a precious gem and that is what makes it worth it.
            Also physical togethernes is not the most important part of the relationship, communication is, so in that way it is bearable to be in a long distance relationship.


              It's hard for me to put words to why it's worth it for me, to be completely honest. But, I'm going to try:

              We've established that we are soulmates, the better halves of each other. My partner is my most beloved treasure, and I'm happier than I have ever been. Any time we talk, my heart is always so full of joy! The two of us have built trust, we've given each other so many gifts, and I've spent the money to go to Norway twice so we can spend time together. We might not have much to talk about every single day, but the most important thing is that when something bothers us, we don't stay quiet about it. If one of us is having a bad day, we tell each other about it. Communication is key! Also, I don't feel like you find the love of your life by searching. They just sort of stumble into your life, you build a friendship with that person, and it becomes a loving, romantic relationship. Distance doesn't matter. Who your partner is and the way they treat you does.
              "Love, it's not an emotion. Love is a promise!"- The 12th Doctor in Death in Heaven

              You need to stop focusing on the "what if" and keep focusing on the "what is."

              First Time Meeting: August 10th 2014-August 21st 2014
              Second Time Meeting: March 13th 2015-March 20th 2015
              Third Meeting: December 27th 2015-January 21st 2016 (We got engaged!)
              Fourth Meeting: July 12th-August 25th 2016
              Fifth Meeting: February 10th-February 28th 2017 (My S/O came to America!)
              Next Meeting: June 20th-September 17th 2017 (Our longest visit yet!)


                In my case, I remind myself that I found a quality person with values that are important to me. I've dated locally and often settled because it was closer, more convenient, easier... but I wasn't as selective because I was settling. There's no use in me settling for someone who doesn't have similar values, or who isn't genuinely interested in me. My SO is genuinely interested in me. I feel heard. We talk. We share how we feel. The distance keeps us from seeing each other every day, but it also enables us to talk at length each day on the phone. After a hard day, I don't always get a hug, but when I am able to see her, our hugs are wholehearted and genuine. They are real hugs. They are the hugs that my partner wraps her arms around me and pulls me close, and I feel like I could melt right where I stand. I've felt that way ever since the first time she hugged me. The person on the other side of the miles is what makes it all worthwhile. If I didn't have such a catch, I wouldn't think the distance was worth it at all.


                  For me, it's because I know in my heart he is totally right for me. Never before have I felt like this. Never before have I felt such a bond like the one I have with him. He is part of me and he makes me feel complete. My life would feel empty without him and I know he feels the same. It's really tough and I miss him like crazy, but I will NEVER give up on us. I get a lot of offers and attention from other guys who are close geographically but the fact is none of them compare to him. They don't even come close!! Even if our story doesn't have a happy ending, I would take seeing him a couple of times a year for proper quality time over not having him in my life. He is my true soulmate and I love him to death. When you're in LDR you get to know each other in a totally different way, ass backwards as he calls it. You get to know them from the inside out first and the physical part of it is just an extremely wonderful bonus. I think of you're both committed to each other it's the best thing ever. It's not easy with the time zone difference but I love it that he puts in such a tremendous effort. It means the absolute world to me that he always takes the time out to text me good morning, even if he is out with his friends or working. I would not change what we have for the world, I love him like I've never loved anyone before and I will do everything I possibly can to make us work and to be together for the test of our lives. Despite the difficulties he is totally worth it.


                    ive never managed to feel the way i do right now. I think with online dating you manage to find something thats real, its so unique and different to every relationship out there and i believe that if you can make it through the distance then you can make it through anything and it makes you stronger as a couple. I know the sacrifice is hard at the start, and i happen to be in my LDR the same amount of time as you are, but we would have never known where things were taking us at the start and we both followed our heart and the love we share for eachother and 1 year and 2 months along id never change what we have together for the world, and we finally have a date to when we're sealing the distance, next September! Despite the hard times left till then, our life has been completed and knowing that we have a future set put for eachother makes it all the more amazing, i trust him with all my heart and whenever something goes on we're the first to tell eachother. I appreciate all he does for me and never will i ever look back on my life before, it just wouldn't be the same if he wasn't in my life, i intend to give us both the best future possible and knowing that in a couple of days we only have a year left of DIstance makes it all the more worth while... A year compared to nearly 3 years when we started talking is nothing... And we've been through all the main moments in our life together, our main teenage years, really important exams which i was lucky enough to receive results for by his side this year just like i would have wished for last year. And finally i will cherish the moments with him in my heart forever.


                      Our relationship is worth the distance because we have found something in one another that we haven't found in anyone else. Of course, we both hate the distance, but the moment we see each other, it's like we never left. I'm finding and I think he is too, that "home" isn't so much a place, but the person you love the most, and we have certainly found that in each other. We are each other's best friend, lover, and ultimate support system. At the end of the day, regardless of our distance, we can't live without one another.

                      Yes, we have our struggles especially since he had to take on a second job, but we both know that these sarcrifices are only temporary and that the day we close the distance will come soon enough.
                      Cherie & Jeffrey
                      Dating Anniversary: 3/10/2015
                      Engaged: 7/7/2017
                      Closed the Distance: August 31st, 2017 ♥
                      MARRIED: Eloped 11/21/17; Official Ceremony: May 18th, 2018 ♥
                      Had our baby girl: May 30th, 2020 ♥
                      Settled into our forever home state: November 2020


                        It was worth it because I knew the distance wouldn't last forever. It was a minor inconvenience for a few years.


                          I was just in it for the travels (keeping things PG)...

                          Seriously though, I didn't feel I had a choice; it was either LD or not being together and that wasn't an option so we made the best of it.
                          Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
                          And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
                          ~Richard Bach

                          “Always,” said Snape.


                            I met mine on the internet, and I'm glad I did. I've been through so many relationships online, because I think it's not worth my time to date someone in real life but I'm unlikely to end up with. We met on Omegle and fell in love at first sight/click. We have been meeting whenever we are both on vacation. I fly over to Denmark, but mostly he keeps flying here to California. Everytime I see him or miss him too too much I write a card and send some pictures. Our time together is so precious that he cried when he sees me or misses me too much. We basically live on Skype.

                            We are about to get married soon. He met my family and I met his. They're so easygoing and my family is so welcoming that I think it's fate that we met. Complete fate.


                              It has been worth it because this woman has made me feel more whole and loved than anyone I've ever met.

                              "True love isn't about being inseparable; it’s about two people being true to each other even when they are separated."
                              Married April 18th, 2015!!
                              Distance Closed October 4th, 2015!!

