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Trouble sleeping :(

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    Trouble sleeping :(

    I really have trouble sleeping whenever im away from my SO and its becoming a real problem. Any advice that could help would be much appreciated!!!!

    Ive got his hoodie in bed with me and i always look at his pic before i sleep but i just cant ever seem to settle without him. Anyone else have this problem???

    I do. It helps when I am able to hear his voice right before I go to sleep. I am lucky we have free long distance so this is possible. The nights he is working...I will go read something he wrote right before I sleep. I have two huge body pillows I place on each side of me...they help too...
    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


      I do!!! I found it helps to have a pillow I stole from him, his tshirt, a wall of pillows behind me (I'm a cuddler and it gives me the snuggled close feeling), the air conditioner on (So that I can be driven to pull the blankets around me tight- again simulates snuggling), turning on my Bedtime with the Beatles CD really low, and rubbing some Bath and Body Works Sleep body lotion on my hands. I also had him leave me a message on my voicemail that I play over and over again just I can hear his voice.
      "God I'm evil!" ~Me
      "Yes you are. Now shut up and kiss me." ~AJ

      Everyday apart is one day closer to being together again.


        Skype sleep is the answer to all your problems, I swear. :P

        But if that's not do-able, have him pick a few bedtime stories and record them with audacity so you can listen as you fall asleep. Once you get into a routine, your body, in theory, will recognise the sleep-time ques and rest will come quicker.
        Last edited by Zephii; September 8, 2010, 09:13 PM. Reason: horrible grammer
        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


          I have trouble sleeping too. I always had, but I noticed that I didn't have those problems when I was sleeping next to my SO. It does help hearing her voice right before I go to sleep. At least sometimes. Or I just wait until exhaustion kicks in and I finally fall asleep.


            I wish i could try skype sleep! its sounds great but his brother stays in room using the Tv well after hes gone to sleep! i love the extra pillows idea think ill buy some tomorrow


              Originally posted by NaNi View Post
              I have trouble sleeping too. I always had, but I noticed that I didn't have those problems when I was sleeping next to my SO. It does help hearing her voice right before I go to sleep. At least sometimes. Or I just wait until exhaustion kicks in and I finally fall asleep.
              Exhaustion is where i usually end up lol


                I swear by the body pillows...funny story tho...I have become sooo use to having them...that now while he is actually with is hard to give them he pulls them away and wedges his body in between me and the pillow!
                NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                  could you get a bottle of his cologne or scented whatever he uses and put it on your pillow or on something near you? I sprayed the hoodie i stole from rane with his cologne (he left it here after the second trip, otherwise i would have just gone out and gotten a bottle) after it quit smelling like him, and that kinda helped me.


                    Originally posted by garnet View Post
                    could you get a bottle of his cologne or scented whatever he uses and put it on your pillow or on something near you? I sprayed the hoodie i stole from rane with his cologne (he left it here after the second trip, otherwise i would have just gone out and gotten a bottle) after it quit smelling like him, and that kinda helped me.
                    I have a thing of body wash Mickey left that I use when I miss so much that I'm afraid I can't take it anymore.
                    "God I'm evil!" ~Me
                    "Yes you are. Now shut up and kiss me." ~AJ

                    Everyday apart is one day closer to being together again.


                      I haven't slept with I don't really have this problem like the rest of you do. It is still hard for me to fall asleep without him there. Its easier I think for me because he has never been there. i am not looking forward to experiencing this.


                        I've had insomnia for a few years now, but I sleep like a rock beside of my SO, so I definitely have trouble falling asleep without him. It helps that we see each other online for at least an hour every night before we go to bed.

                        "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
                        - A. A. Milne


                          I have the same problem, I usually just wait for exhaustion to hit, 3-4 bad nights of sleep, then 1 good one, then repeat. Not healthy, but part of me doesn't want to be used to sleeping with out him. I've been sleeping cuddling my blanket recently, so I think a body pillow, and some of his scent might help...

                          <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
                          <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
                          The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
                          <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
                          <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
                          Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
                          Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


                            Thanx for all the great advice everyone! i think i will be sneaking a can of his scent home with me when i visit him next week lol and think im gonna buy extra pillows too

