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Ready to move.. why am I stressing?

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    Ready to move.. why am I stressing?

    Hi guys. Sorry if this post is a little long, ill try keep it short for you all.

    So my SO not too long ago went back home after being together every waking moment for just over a month. It was beautiful. We even got to celebrate our one year anniversary together. We are so right for each other, and ready to be together and very much in love.

    My boyfriend has always wanted to go to school, but no one ever supported him through it, I have. He also finds it hard because he has ADHD. So any ways, he and I both thought, why not try and go to school in London? His Veteran's benefits would cover his studies and living and accommodation (even though he will be staying with me - yay!). We are waiting on the official approval of his course and benefits (although it should all go to plan because we have spoken to people from both departments saying there seems to be no reason why it might not).

    So if everything succeeds for us, we are looking at January 2016. I am over the moon and full of hope.. as is he... BUT..

    I am SO worried that his life back home is gonna be better than his life here. background info: my boyfriend is calmer now, but he used to love to party, always be out and on the go, and he still has several good friends (who are actually really good guys) that he hangs out with. He hasn't been like that any more since over a year ago, when he met me. He said that I changed him,for the better, made him aim for goals he would have never aimed for before.. and all in all, lead him to a healthier lifestyle away from alcohol etc. He is 26. He left the army a few months ago after 7 years there, he now works with his dad. doesn't have any time to socialise with his friends because his job is basically putting up signs and fixing places such as Walmart, all around the USA. so he is always travelling to new supermarkets by car, just him and his dad.

    Back in college I used to have a lot of friends, I was doing well in modelling as well, then everything changed. I had to stop modelling (at least for the time being) so I could focus on Law school - which is where I'm at right now. And for some issues back at the time, I lost all my (fake) friends.
    Now, I have literally ONE good friend from university, but honestly that is it.

    Long story short: I'm worried, because my boyfriend wants to come and start his life in London, but its literally us two? he knows no one here, has no friends...and I don't even have friends that we can mingle with. I'm already worrying about things such as New Year's Eve. last year he had all his friends around him.. and I'm worried that he will grow bored of the same routine...

    Perhaps I am stressing out unnecessarily... I just don't want him to regret his move. I understand he will miss certain aspects of his life back home, I guess I'm just so worried. When he was here I focused every day on making sure we were out on the go, doing stuff, going restaurants. I just hope he realises that normal day to day life is not like that and that he will be happy...

    First of all- congrats on finding the way and soon *hopefully* closing the distance!!

    I wouldn't worry- he knows that his life is going to change, now living in completely different place, but he's also going to school- he'll meet tons of people there. I personally would think that having him just to yourself (and other way round), just the two of you for some time would be great, since you were in LDR. And by time he's going to miss social life, he's going to make new friends.

    I guess that's the bottom line- he will meet new people and make friends, so don't worry


      I would agree with aleksaaw. He will meet people from school. This is also a chance for you guys to make some new friends together. Don't be nervous about it, be excited! Plus, as far as him making friends goes, it might be better for him to make his own friends and not rely on yours. That way he can feel like he has his own separate life there without everything having to be interconnected with you.


        You can use your time well to build a new network for yourself - maybe try out some new hobbies. Since he has ADHD, perhaps some kind of sport to burn his energy would be helpful? Something you can do together and some nice people you can both hang out With.
        I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
        - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

        "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


          Originally posted by aleksaaw View Post
          First of all- congrats on finding the way and soon *hopefully* closing the distance!!

          I wouldn't worry- he knows that his life is going to change, now living in completely different place, but he's also going to school- he'll meet tons of people there. I personally would think that having him just to yourself (and other way round), just the two of you for some time would be great, since you were in LDR. And by time he's going to miss social life, he's going to make new friends.

          I guess that's the bottom line- he will meet new people and make friends, so don't worry
          Yes I suppose you're right I'm sure probably deep down he has already considered how his life would change and he is happy with it. I just hope everything goes smooth for him, it's so daunting to know that he is moving his life - for me! But so exciting at the same time x


            Originally posted by MissingMyDutchLove View Post
            I would agree with aleksaaw. He will meet people from school. This is also a chance for you guys to make some new friends together. Don't be nervous about it, be excited! Plus, as far as him making friends goes, it might be better for him to make his own friends and not rely on yours. That way he can feel like he has his own separate life there without everything having to be interconnected with you.
            Yes I see where you're coming from. we talked about how we both might start looking for part time employment too while he is he, so we can be able to afford to do things such as go out to restaurants together. So hopefully that would be a good ice breaker for him


              Originally posted by differentcountries View Post
              You can use your time well to build a new network for yourself - maybe try out some new hobbies. Since he has ADHD, perhaps some kind of sport to burn his energy would be helpful? Something you can do together and some nice people you can both hang out With.
              That's a great idea. I forgot about the fact that he is an avid ice hockey player, absolutely lives and breathes ice hockey. Maybe he could try and join a team??


                As his significant other you should also be his best friend, and someone he can have fun with. If he can have fun with you then it shouldn't be an issue for the most part. Most people are good with one close companion. But he will eventually get a job and make friends. He has an advantage of being the foreigner, he'll stick out more and people might flock to him because of that. Or at the very least the cultural differences will make good ice breakers for him.


                  I agree with everyone else, you guys'll be fine, school and a job means he can make lots of new friends, AND keep his old ones for when he goes to visit home!
                  Plus you can make some too at work, and then you guys can also meet each others friends!
                  Met: Apr 2013
                  Mutual interest: July 2013
                  Relationship Began: November 6 2013
                  First Visit (Her to Me): July 4 2014
                  Second Visit (Me to Her): Jan/Feb 2015 Postponed due to sister having baby
                  Second Visit! (Her to Me again): June 16 2015 - July 4 2015
                  Engaged: June 29 2015 <3
                  Third Visit: (Her to me, working on it) January 19 2016 - February 2 2016

