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Doubt, again

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    No. You can buy a ticket I the US without a passport.... Just can't go out of the country without it.


      You don't even need it when you plan on leaving the USA? That is weird.


        Nope. Can't really check it when buying online, or for another person. So instead we wait in lines for hours to go through security....


          He told me that as much as he would love to have all the money to get everything taken care of. And he just doesn't yet. But soon enough, he will.

          The works should be all done within this october.
          But apparently if he ever does apply for a passport later, there's no guarantee that he will get it before november 21 though.

          I got one foot outside the door, i think now i'll just see what will happens in the next week or two. If there's still no real action, then i'm done.
          Last edited by glasspaper; October 10, 2015, 09:36 PM.


            If he is at all serious or able, than much better to plan a new year visit, so he will have time to make preperations for the trip.
            I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
            - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

            "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


              I think you already have your answer, OP. This guy doesn't have an inkling of respect for you and is taking you for a fool from what I can see.


                OP......I have a daughter your age. I would smack her in the head if she was having this conversation with me. So I will be perfectly honest. This guy is a loser. He has a drinking problem, as evidenced by his admission and 6 year suspended license. He has no money. He lies to you and strings you along. Oh honey......let it go. Find a man who deserves you. This loser Isn't him.

                I love him. Forever. And every day after that.


                  What state is he from with a 6 year suspended license??? I think you would go to jail for years before they would suspend your license that long. I think he is just making up excuses for sure. I also think it is time to walk away.

                  Many Americans don't get passports because air travel domestically is so much cheaper than going to Europe. I got mine right before I made my first trip out of USA. I had to order a duplicate birth certificate, could not find mine, and needed a trip to Happy Harrys for pics, and a trip to post office when passport part was open, it was a PITA.
                  Last edited by Hollandia; October 12, 2015, 09:38 PM.
                  "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
                  Benjamin Franklin


                    You guys might be right, i haven't heard nothing from him since the last text he sent me two days ago


                      Move on baby girl. Don't let him use you or hurt you anymore. You can and will do better. Promise.


                        I know he might be just a douche, and trying to trust him is a huge stupidity.
                        But i can't lie that i still wanna see what will happens in the next few weeks just to know how it has been really going.
                        This time things should be real or should be just come to the end forever.


                          Originally posted by glasspaper View Post
                          I know he might be just a douche, and trying to trust him is a huge stupidity.
                          But i can't lie that i still wanna see what will happens in the next few weeks just to know how it has been really going.
                          This time things should be real or should be just come to the end forever.
                          He's had two chances to "be real" and let you down in the end. You know what he is essentially, but you refuse to accept it through some stubborn notion that things might work out alright. I can tell you now, they won't. And he'll just keep on stringing you along.


                            Originally posted by glasspaper View Post
                            I know he might be just a douche, and trying to trust him is a huge
                            But i can't lie that i still wanna see what will happens in the next few weeks just to know how it has been really going.
                            This time things should be real or should be just come to the end forever.
                            You've gone from a couple of days to a couple of weeks now. You know that you can't trust him, you know that he lies to you and you know that he's NOT going to come through for you.

                            At this point, I can't feel badly for you anymore. You know what is going on and you are going to continue to waste your time. You are going to continue to let him lead you along and you are doing it with your eyes wide open to it. You are choosing to go down a path that you've gone before knowing what the results are going to be. This no longer falls on him for how he's acting because you know how he's full of it - it now falls on you for accepting the behavior and letting it continue instead of facing reality and walking away from the nonsense.
                            To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

                            ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


                              Have you ever met this guy? If not, you have been catfished or this guy just gets off by seeing how long he can string you along. There are people out there that are not nice, they can act very nice and sweet and loving to you until they decide they are done playing with you and then they are done with you.

                              The state can still give him a state ID issued by the DMV, so he can still get a passport by using that. My daughter did not have a drivers license but had a state ID so she is perfectly able to obtain a passport. The odds are also that if he committed an offense serious enough to lose his license for 6 years, he would be on probation for just as many years, probation that would make it very difficult to leave the USA or more likely, he has been able to get it back for years and has just driven illegally on it all this time. If this is the case, one time of getting pulled over is going to put him in jail.

                              There are diamonds in the rough and then there's piles of poop. My guess is he is a pile of poop and you are still hoping for a lump of coal to turn into a diamond but not matter how much you hope for it piles of poop don't turn into diamonds.
                              "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
                              Benjamin Franklin


                                So... Did he come through this time? It's going to be too late to get a passport now if he doesn't have one .,

