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I guess this is it.

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    I guess this is it.

    I don't exactly know where to post this, first meetings, or what.

    For anyone who kept up with all of my nonsence posting, the last two weeks I spent meeting my SO for the first time. We were both super excited, and I guess I had an idea in my head of how things would go. When I met her at the airport, it seemed perfect. We held hands, as she walked us to the car, and inside we talked about the flight and everything while we went back to the hotel. We had our first kiss in bed, and went straight to sleep.

    As the days went on, it became increasingly obvious that something wasn't right. While I love affection, she didn't. My constant want for kisses and hugs got annoying for her, and she started pushing me away. She was always sat on her phone, on games and Tumblr to fill the silence, because after a few days together, we didn't have much to say. I met her friends and family, and they were all amazing - and if I'm honest, I felt like she had a lot more in common with them than she ever did with me.

    Towards the end of the holiday, I started to message my best friends, saying that I was sure that she was going to dump me. They told me I was being dumb, but I had the most sickening feeling in my gut.

    I got home yesterday morning, and when she woke up later that day, sure enough, she broke things off. She said we needed different people. I needed someone who would pay me more attention, and give me the affection I wanted, and she needed someone who was okay with space. We didn't mesh like we expected to in those months waiting up to meeting. I tried fighting for our relationship, but at the end of the day I agree with her. Could I really be with someone who makes me feel unloved so often? And could I expect her to stay with someone who makes her feel like a failure of a girlfriend most of the time?

    I know this is pretty long, but I guess this is me just getting my feelings off my chest. She still wants to be friends, but I'm going to give her the space that she needs, no matter how hard it is, and I'm still fighting back the urge to ask her to reconsider. I guess sometimes these things just don't work out?
    60 days until i fly to texas.
    6th august 2017 - the day i made you mine.

    I'm a lot like you and my boyfriend likes his space. He doesn't like to be over cuddled (unless he's ill and then he wants to be babied). We did both worry if it'd get too much for eachother. But it didn't because we work well with communication. I am quite happy to give him space and go and do other things when he needs it. If I really need a cuddle he'll give me one. After the first visit if things don't feel right I don't think I'd of given it a second trip. I'm so sorry and I guess you are most likely feeling heart broken.
    Engaged Dec 2015!! Visa approved June 2016 . Married July 18th 2016 <3

    Home is where the heart is and my home will always be with my love.
    All the way from England to the USA.


      Originally posted by emk4t View Post
      She said we needed different people. I needed someone who would pay me more attention, and give me the affection I wanted, and she needed someone who was okay with space.
      Please don't let someone else determine what you need. You determine what you need. It's very interesting when exiting partners try to tell someone what they need. My ex did this to me. She is not the expert on me. I am the expert on me. I'll determine what I need.

      Originally posted by emk4t View Post
      Could I really be with someone who makes me feel unloved so often? And could I expect her to stay with someone who makes her feel like a failure of a girlfriend most of the time?
      That's good that you are asking yourself these questions. These questions are going to help you determine what you need.

      I'm sorry things didn't work out for you guys. It sounds like you are learning a lot about yourself and what you want and need. :thumbsup:


        I'm so sorry that things didn't work out the way you had hoped or expected.

        And I agree with hmrambling about not being told what you need, and being your own expert - I must admit I have done this myself as a misguided attempt to not blame anyone for anything, because it's ok to need different things.

        It sounds though as if you are doing a great job of acknowledging that you DO want a different experience in a relationship, and that you deserve to feel loved in a different way. Good for you! That can be very, very hard for many people to admit.

        Many comforting hugs to you <3

