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Slight update

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    Slight update

    Okay, so I said before I'm going to spend Christmas with Alex. That is still true and I'm looking forward to that more than ever right now.

    Well, there are some things that have come up (not with that, as his parents don't mind me coming up there but they've decided to be a couple this holiday season and will be away) on my end. First off, I have a coworker who hits on me almost every time we work together (he's made comments like, "You know, your boyfriend wouldn't have to know if you had another boyfriend down here.") and he's extremely creepy. On Sunday I was sitting at the cash register because I had nothing to do and he came up behidn me and started massaging my back. I jumped up, got away from him and told him not to touch me again. Also, my boss is now saying she won't let me off for 2 weeks like she originally told me she was. So, I'm finding a new job or quitting before I leave for Christmas.

    But, on a brighter note, I may have enough money for a plane ticket in a week or two ^^ I'm looking forward to buying it. It'll definitely be fun. Right now I'm probably going to go from December 17th to December 30th. I want to wait until after the 16th to go because I want to be here for my mom's birthday ^^;

    Yay for buying the tickets! Spending the first christmas together is something so special

    And ouch about the job.. I would've slapped that guy if I was you! I hate it when people assume that just cause you're in a LDR you can fool around with other people cause your SO "will never find out"! Gosh it makes me mad.

    Your boss is gay too lol. At least you already know what you want to do and that is to go see Alex - exactly what I would do too: screw the job and fly to be with your man!


      That is definitely one of the most frustrating parts of being in LDR for me. Requesting off from work. I understand how it can be inconvenient to bosses to let you off for a week or two, but really, what are you supposed to do when you never get to see your SO? I have never been rejected like that, but then again I have never asked for that long off. I feel for you though! I would quit right before Christmas too.


        What that guy did was unacceptable. I hope you reported him to HR.

        LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


          Well, she told me, 'If it was overseas I'd let you off.'

          Also, whenever I tell people at work about what this coworker does (I work in a restaurant, btw) they laugh it off and say, "Oh, that's just the way he acts." Except...he doesn't touch the other female coworkers >.>


            Tell him the next time he touches you you'll report him.


              O_o do me a favor and never be alone with that co worker, he's not to be trusted. Glad your still going and thats what i have to do in order to go see Denise for 6 months


                1) Report your co-worker. Even if "that's just how he is", that's unacceptable.
                2) Congrats on getting tickets soon!

                If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


                  Yay for the plans for Christmas! It sounds like you have everything under control!
                  I think that you should report your coworker, because that is awkward! And I hope you get another job asap


                    Ugh about the co-workers....Set those boundaries. I don't care if that is how he is.

                    And your boss....if she originally told you yes and now no....grrr...I work in a restaurant too..
                    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                      as far as your coworker goes, I'd report him.
                      but congratulations on the plane ticket and visit!


                        Yay congrats on the plane ticket, and Alex's parents being away! Alone time ^^;
                        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                          I would make him feel the hand of a mad woman right into his face or maybe a feet in his crotch xD that'd make him remember hahahaha

                          but yaaay on you spendin chrismtas with him! I hope you find a job quickly so you can quit this one asap


                            That guy is a looser, and hope your boss can give you the days off.

