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Saying I love you too soon? !

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    Saying I love you too soon? !

    So I've been talking to this guy for about a month and a half. I'm in the new England area and he's in the military based in the north western area. At first I was kind of hesitant talking to him because he's 9 years older than I am. But everytime we talked that wasn't much of an issue for me anymore. So I really like him and care about him.. He told me he loved me about 3 weeks into talking to each other. I was kinda set back a little when he said that, but I said it back because I didn't want to hurt his feelings. Though now I do feel love towards him.. He was married for 6 years but she cheated on him. So I'm just wondering if he said it so soon because he was cheated on in the marriage and he wants that deep connection with me, or could it just be lust because we have had sexual conversations (sexting and videos)... I do hope to meet up with him in person in the future. But my whole thing right now is wondering if he, or anyone, really can be in love after just 3 weeks of talking.

    My SO said it to me after I had known him less than two weeks. His exact words were "I love you, how can I marry you?". I did laugh out out loud, and cry, and ask him if he meant it.

    Of course, saying in soon doesn't mean that you embrace love with all it entails; you can't know at that point how it will feel like to have intimate conversations, meet each other's parents, friends and relatives, have sex until you are too exhausted to go on, go grocery shopping, cry in each other's arms, look at the moon, rent a flat, get a cat, marry or have a baby....but there is something about the other person that says; maybe I do want all those things, and maybe some of the time it will be totally amazing, and the rest of the time I have a feeling I will still be there.
    I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
    - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

    "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


      I have no right judging you or your relationship. With that being said, if my friend told me this, I would be very, very concerned. Yes, I believe you can love someone quickly, but to love someone that quickly and never have met them? Seems a little like wishful thinking. My concern comes from the fact that he is in his 30's and has been married. He knows what love is (I would hope). He's acting like a 16 year old who is just so excited that someone likes him that he is convinced that he loves them right away. I have been that girl. My ex told me within a week that he loved me. Did he? Nah. Did he think he did? Definitely. He was just so eager to love someone and since I liked him, I fit the bill for the moment. 6 months later, he realized he really didn't love me despite telling me every day. Realistically speaking, after 3 weeks, he has no clue who you are. He likes you a lot. He may even think that he loves you, but does he really, truly love you? Probably not. These days, if someone told me that they love me before a couple of months of dating I would run far and fast the opposite direction.


        There's different depths and meanings to "I love you," it could be as simple as him saying "I really, really like you right now, but not quite close to love, and it could head that way 'cause I'm interested in you." My SO said the words to me very shortly after we started dating, within a similar time frame to DC, and whilst I was initially suspicious, his actions proved to me that he meant exactly what he was saying. If this guy shows in actions, with the little things he can do to make an LDR easier for both of you (plenty of texts and time made for you and him to share together, ample Skype calls/dates when and where possible, etc), as well as say these words... then yes, he could be actually telling you the truth. Remember, actions speak louder than words.


          We are strangers on the internet. I can only speculate his reasons for saying that he loves you within 3 weeks. Instead of asking us, consider talking to him openly about how you feel and what is going on between the two of you.

          My first date with my SO was on 3/21 and I told her on 5/2 that I love her. I held back on telling her that I love her after that first time on 5/2 because it didn't really flow. It didn't really feel natural. Maybe it wasn't time. I dialed it back to "I really like you a lot" a couple of weeks later. She told me that when she heard me say that I like her a lotthat she could tell that it meant that I love her. In short, we both shared love for each other, but we were not in a place yet where we were really comfortable saying 'I love you' to each other.

          We've been dating for nearly 8 months now, and each night we tell the other 'I love you' before we say goodbye/good night. We weren't there within just a few weeks. It took months. Each couple has their own process. Talk to your partner and you guys figure out whatever your process is.


            There is love and there is being in love. I see it both ways. I told my SO that I loved him, but not to confuse that for being in love. He says, "I'm in love with you " now. I do believe in love at first sight too.
            You feel what you feel. It's not right or wrong, it's a feeling.
            That being said, let it go and enjoy!

