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First Visit Plans Crumbled

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    First Visit Plans Crumbled

    I need your help, please.

    I am in crisis mode.

    My boyfriend and I just got into a huge fight, and I don't know if it can be salvaged. We just had a screaming match over the phone where he said he didn't want to speak to me again.

    We have been in a long distance relationship for two and a half months... but had been dating for a year and a half.

    He had just moved some three months ago to Africa. Since then, we were doing so well--even better than when we were together physically. From a distance, we were more in love than ever before. We were head over heels. Whatever problems we had in the past, we forgot about them and we were looking on to the future. We've had our share of fights, but we always would try to talk them out. He especially drove these initiatives.

    We were supposed to have our first visit over Thanksgiving, but were not sure about who was coming to see whom.

    While making plans to come see each other these past days, things got really stressful.
    Because of his workload, we decided at the last minute that I should be the one to come to him. If I am to leave on my desired departure date (a week from now--good prices and given leave for the holidays), I would need to get the ball rolling on the visa. This was a huge bomb. In the back of my mind, I was regretting deeply our indecisiveness and taking so long to make plans. Frankly, I was disappointed in him that he had poor planning skills.

    Still, he was supportive and also reassured he would help pay for the expenses.

    Today, I spent the whole day trying to get the components for the visa so I could submit it in time. All in a day, I was on the phone with travel agents, the embassy, and visa specialists. I got vaccinations and blood drawn. I was filling out forms and getting photos and bank statements.

    Normally it takes seven days for them to process visas, and with a week left til my desired departure and it being a Friday, I was determined to get the application out today.

    When my boyfriend called to check in on the progress, I was both frazzled yet hopeful that we were making strides with the visa issue.

    It slipped out and I said that people (my confidants and myself) are frustrated with him (mainly because of his indecision and not planning this sooner). Of course, I really meant I was frustrated, but I mentioned a particular person who works with us (we are colleagues--mind you, in a place where inter office dating is not taboo). She is my senior partner and we share the work in managing the division. While I was running around to take care of the visa issue, she was holding down the fort. He knows this colleague is very close to me and she can be trusted. He knew that she knew about us. Still, he was mad that I told her about our issue with the visa.

    I went to her because she could help. She knows the travel industry very well and could shed light on my concerns since we were pressed for time.

    He says I shouldn't be talking to people at work about our problems. This mutual colleague of ours knows nothing else about us, no intimate details. I was only seeking her help so that we could see each other.

    He's arguing that I could've gone to other people--but seriously, for convenience, she was right there. She is trustworthy. She is knowledgeable about the issue. So why not?
    She was only trying to help us get together.

    Tonight, after trying to move mountains to get that visa to come see him, he decides to break up. He says he can't do this anymore. He won't change his mind. He says he will no longer speak to me.

    I am really in shock.

    Things were unbelievably amazing since we parted, deliriously so. We talked everyday. We expressed and shared everything. We constantly said I love you. We strived to talk about issues so as to make us stronger. We verbalized this. I'm not just telling you from observation.

    I know he has a habit of crumbling under pressure and stress. When tensions arise, he immediately shuts himself in and pushes everyone away. But is his decision to end it final? Our arguing over the phone tonight was pretty intense.

    He was shouting. He didn't let me say much. He said he didn't want to see me and that this would be the last time we would talk. He then hung up on me.

    Where did this come from??

    Do you think it was just so much stress on his shoulders?--He had just traveled back this morning from a business trip. Work has been stressful lately. To add to that, maybe he felt he failed me with our visit plans falling apart?

    Why would he throw everything away over this? It was all a misunderstanding. Of course I still love him immensely; so I would hate to see things end like this because of a misunderstanding. I honestly hope, he comes to his senses and back to me.

    What is going on in his mind? What next steps should I take?
    Last edited by Kadessa70; November 14, 2015, 12:59 AM.

    Unfortunately, we can't know what he's thinking or if he is serious about this. Take the night and cool off a little bit and readdress it tomorrow. See if he will (calmly) talk to you. If he seriously breaks up with you over this then that is absolutely ridiculous.


      I think you should wait and let him calm down a bit. I understand you're both under a lot of pressure regarding the visit and he simply could have lost control about all this stuff. Let him calm down a bit and try to talk hmmm maybe tomorrow?


        Oh, I do hope you figured something out. I have been in that situation before -- I know the pain you are experiencing. Sometimes in heated arguments we say things we don't mean, so give him some time and talk to him about it when you've both cooled down and had some time to think.


          Just echoing what the others have said. It sounds like there is a lot of stress and pressure going on.

          My SO gets very defensive if I point out where I think he's made a mistake or could do something better, he takes it as criticism. I have to tread really carefully as its so much harder when there is distance involved. When we were physically together I felt I could steer him in the right direction a lot easier, it's much harder to do that over the phone or computer.

          Men can be poor planners, a lot of them (not all, some are great planners) tend to leave everything to the last minute. It's just they way some of them are. My SO always leaves everything to the last minute, he lives in the moment and doesn't plan ahead. This has resulted in everything being up in the air about his visit to me in the spring. It's incredibly frustrating.

          I think you need to try and contact him a bit later on today. He will have had all day to think about this. I hope he has realised that he's been a bit dramatic about this but you may need to apologise, even if you think you've done nothing wrong. Sometimes it's better to swallow your pride for the sake of your relationship, especially as time really is of the essence here...

          I hope you can get through to him and get some answers. Despite appearances men can be really quite sensitive creature and need to be handled with care. You do need to be able to express your feelings without fear of him running away and having a tantrum though.

          Good luck and keep us posted.


            The interesting thing though, is that many of these supposedly poor-planning men have jobs where business planning is a big part of the job, in fact their work is dependant on their ability to plan ahead. What, then, makes it so hard to plan their personal lives? I think that for some men, ideally their personal life is a warm haven of warmth and sponaniety, all the things they cant have at work. And long distance, especially international long distance, makes sponaniety hard, often impossible. It becomes more akin to a project and this reminds them too much of work...

            Having SO come here for short term visitor visa isn't fun or spontanious or sexy, it is more like reading for an exam. You really have to have some energy to do it. The feeling when you get it, is of course the greatest thing, but it feels rather like a roller coaster as the process drags on. I personally dread to do it again. You just have to want it more than you hate doing the process.

            It has probably been great to be close since he left, but you were also a bit in fairy tale land, neighter of you preparing anything for the visituntil the last minute. The simple hard truth is that visas and visits are work, love work. He needs to own his stress response and his contribution to the visa mess, but you also need to learn about timing. Is it more important to get the visa or blame him? Say you are sorry, make up, talk it over in person.
            I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
            - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

            "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


              Thank you, everyone, for taking the time to read my story. Thank you also for offering your advice.

              The visa thing is all water under the bridge. I took back my visa application when I knew it wasn't going to happen, even if I tried to pull strings and get evrything in on time. After I did, I realized it wasn't the end of the world, but a hard lesson in planning. I sent him a text then to say that this may be a setback, but I will continue to love him no matter where he is.

              Our fight last night was more focused on the fact that I went to a colleague for help on this.

              Over the phone, I jokingly said that he's got these people frustrated with him--mainly myself and the colleague/friend I mentioned whose help I solicited.

              He felt insecure that I was opening up doors for people we work with to judge him. He barely let me talk to explain what exactly I told her (I asked about visa processing and expedited services and flights).

              It's not like I've been spilling intimate details of our love life or anything. Like I said, it's common for people to form relationships at my workplace.

              And for that, he said he lost my trust. I was supposed to protect and support him. He accused me of being selfish in only wanting to get the visa.

              But I was only doing it to see and be with him!!!

              Why would he be like that?

              I'm worried because he said that that would be the last time we'd speak. He's got two more years left on that assignment and I have a job change looming in the next few months. What if I don't see him again?

              Is he really going to let me go for this minor mistake? Is he going to let me go after all this time as friends and then almost two years as lovers, after all the effort and dedication we put into our relationship?

              I am scared. I am trying to focus on other things and to give him space. I do hope he will come around.
              Last edited by Kadessa70; November 14, 2015, 10:36 AM.


                You will never get these answers unless you try and open communications again. It's probably just frustration because of your difficult situation and the adjustment period can be really hard.

                LDR's can be the best and worst, it's not for the faint hearted. There have been many occasions when I've felt like giving up, many occasions where the heart ache has been unbearable but the thought of not having him in my life is way worse.


                  It sounds like you have different levels of privacy. To you, confying in a helper meant to show your love. To him, he feels unsure what will be the next move, because he wouldn't confie in a workmate even about these practicalities.
                  I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                  - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                  "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


                    Then why not just talk about it--he can tell me he was uncomfortable with what I did.

                    Why act so drastically and break everything off?

                    It's not like his work or reputation is on the line. Our colleague doesnt have that influence.

                    He knew that she and others knew about us. There was nothing to hide. Why even pursue me and be in a relationship with me/a colleague for two and a half years if he didn't trust me?

                    It all came crumbling with this moment when I asked for help.


                      To me it almost sounds like an excuse... That is such an extreme reaction. I think I understand what you are trying to say,... It's not the planning or visa, it's the fact you went to someone else.
                      You don't open up your private lives, but just asked for specific information. He freaked and slammed the door on you... Is that right?


                        Yes. Sounds irrational and insecure on his part, but yes.

                        Immediately after he hung up on me, I was numb. I couldn't cry though I was very sad.

                        But as time passes, I miss him more and regret the whole situation. I am so afraid he will stick to what he said in that intense yelling over the phone--what if he cuts it off completely?! Not even friends. We go from head over heels literally just yesterday morning to all this!


                          Originally posted by Kadessa70 View Post
                          Yes. Sounds irrational and insecure on his part, but yes.

                          Immediately after he hung up on me, I was numb. I couldn't cry though I was very sad.

                          But as time passes, I miss him more and regret the whole situation. I am so afraid he will stick to what he said in that intense yelling over the phone--what if he cuts it off completely?! Not even friends. We go from head over heels literally just yesterday morning to all this!
                          I don't understand how someone could go so hot then cold... Then just cut it off.. That's so unfair to you and this relationship, As I stated, I don't see what you did wrong at all. You asked for help.
                          You all should talk at some point. Even if it's for. For lo sure on your part.
                          I assume you have not heard from him at all? Is there anyone else around you that knows your situation on a more personal level ?


                            Sounds like he's just a jerk and/or a commitmentphobe.
                            You did all this work and he just threw it in your face.
                            You can do way better tbh
                            Met: Apr 2013
                            Mutual interest: July 2013
                            Relationship Began: November 6 2013
                            First Visit (Her to Me): July 4 2014
                            Second Visit (Me to Her): Jan/Feb 2015 Postponed due to sister having baby
                            Second Visit! (Her to Me again): June 16 2015 - July 4 2015
                            Engaged: June 29 2015 <3
                            Third Visit: (Her to me, working on it) January 19 2016 - February 2 2016


                              Sasad, it's actually been less than a day... 22 hours, to be exact, since the phone call.

                              No one else knows the details our story.

                              I still love him, of course. The thing is some of us, even if our partner hurts us, we still love them and patiently wait for them to come around.

                              I don't want us to end like this... not over something like this.

