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Need experienced advice

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    Need experienced advice

    Hello all,

    I don't have anyone to ask about this and I'm kind of going crazy so I'm hoping someone can help me out who has had some sort of similar experience... If so this won't be the last time I ask ha.. I started talking to a woman about a month ago from a website. We clicked like crazy and long story short I asked her after 3 weeks of non stop communication if I could come meet her. It has been electric and made my life come to a screeching hault. I can't think about anything but her even when I try... Anyway we decided upon a date which would be about 3 months after we began talking... a few days ago is when I bought the plane ticket (other side of the country) in which she was very excited to hear as I was excited to do so. Ever since then the non stop talking has slowed down, today she isn't talking to me almost at all.. What I need help with is trusting someone you have never met.. I trust her, but it's always in the back of my mind she could be lying about every little thing she tells me. It worries me she loved what was intangible and now that I have a plan to see her she just isn't that interested anymore. Maybe she just wanted to see if she could get me to actually do it..... Also I understand this time period in which I'm explaining is a very short period of time, but should I feel weird that she prefers me to stay in a hotel? ... Also is it completely insane to think you love someone you have never met? ... That's what's going on in my mind.. Any other advice anyone could give me on any of this would be greatly appreciated. The visit/anything at all. Thank you in advance.

    Hi. You only need to post a thread in one area for everyone to see it. My response is in your other thread.

    To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

    ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.

