Okay, so the title is the slightest bit deceiving in that I do get excited, however the feeling only arises when I'm, say, on the way to the airport to pick him up. Before our first visit, I was so excited that I felt almost ill for an entire week before I flew over to see him. Now, after quite a few visits, I just don't get that excited feeling days before anymore. He is the same way. I mean, he is on his way to the airport right now to fly out and visit me in the States, but we said goodbye on Skype like this:
Him: "I better get going. See you later, sweetie. I love you.
Me: "Okay, honey. I love you too. See you in just a little while!"
We were both pretty monotone and we both just seemed kind of "meh" about this entire thing.
We love each other so much and we always have the loveliest visits, but is it bad that I just don't get excited anymore? I am not excited until I'm at the airport, I'm not excited when I get a message from him, I'm not excited when he calls me on Skype... I just don't know how to feel about all of that. We have been together for two years, so is this normal for the nervous energy to kind of die down after awhile?
I hope this made sense! Thanks! xo
Him: "I better get going. See you later, sweetie. I love you.
Me: "Okay, honey. I love you too. See you in just a little while!"
We were both pretty monotone and we both just seemed kind of "meh" about this entire thing.

I hope this made sense! Thanks! xo