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    So me and my SO have been together for 2 and a bit weeks so far and I couldn't be happier. At first I had problems with my nerves due to myself being a nervous person due to my past but since I made the thread about that on here I have grown to become way more comfortable around my SO and things are so much better now. We both love each other to bits and are so much happier now that we have each other.
    A couple of days ago I built up the courage to tell my mother about our relationship with my SO on the phone and she couldn't of reacted better in our opinion. She said she was completely fine with us and that she had noticed how much happier i had been in the past weeks and was happy that I had found someone that could make me happy again. However she has changed....
    Mum rang me on the way to pick me up from school on Monday and told me she didn't want me dating my SO because of the age difference. Me and my SO are only 2 years apart. I'm 15 and he's 17. She knew that the second I told her and she was fine with it but now for some reason she isn't. I need advice, I can't leave my SO because he means so much to me that I can't explain it in words. I don't understand why she has changed her opinion on us and we need help. What can we do to get around this?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hey There...
    You posted this in two different threads...that gets a little confusing.

    Its only been 2 weeks... have you changed a lot around your family? By that I mean do you not spend as much time with them, but rather on the phone etc with your bf instead?
    Have you asked your mom why she feels the way she does? Finding that answer will help determine what you can do to help her with this.

    My concern as a mom would be if he was 18 and you were 16....


      She's just worried about you. It's still early days yet, so she doesn't know or trust him. Those things take time to build up.


        As someone else already said it, your mum seems worried and I think it's a good sign. Though, you're 15 and he's 17, it's not that much of an age difference. It's 20+ age difference in my relationship and that's much (and I see how my own mum could be worried about us. She doesn't know our relationship yet though). And I'm not thinking to tell her until I feel it's serious. Also, we've been knowing each other for over 2 years and as the years go you will grow more comfortable with each other. Two weeks are quite short time and hopefully you'll be more deeper because it's wonderful. You should let it calm down a bit and have a talk with your mum about what she don't like, how you feel etc. Maybe there's something that she doesn't know about your relation or vice versa.


          As others say your mum worrying is not a bad thing; she loves you after all. It's understandable at your age that she's protective with an age gap of 2 years, even if that would mean nothing in a few years time (heck my age gap is 3.5 years, me being the younger, and it's already considered alright).

          You're at the age where the lines between child and adult legally start to change and blur. I guess she is worried about a 17 year old boy being intimate with her 15 year old daughter, especially as guys at that age are stereotyped (and sadly often in reality too) seen as just wanting one thing. However, as long as she doesn't try to stop you dating and you both show maturity in your relationship, especially when you meet (and he meets her eventually), then I'm sure she'll feel reassured; she wants you to be happy after all

          In the longer term, your relationship is one of those that lifts some eyebrows as you are still below the age of consent, but if you two continue to go steady, then after being together for a couple of years, your mum and others will worry a lot less.

