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Fighting and Expecting too much?

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    Fighting and Expecting too much?

    Just curious if any one else has problems with fighting with their significant other tons while you're apart? It seems like we can't go one day without fighting and he never seems to understand where I'm coming from. A lot of the time he writes it off as me being ridiculous, and doesn't want to take steps to fix things because he thinks I will just find another thing to have a problem with. Any one else having issues like this?

    I also hate going to bed feeling like he doesn't care instead of feeling like he loves me. Maybe I am ridiculous. Maybe I expect too much?

    I understand where you're coming from. anytime I tell Mic that I think something wrong he gets condescending, and says I'm over dramatizing everything.
    "God I'm evil!" ~Me
    "Yes you are. Now shut up and kiss me." ~AJ

    Everyday apart is one day closer to being together again.


      My SO and I have that too. The distance gets us pretty down, so we tend to have tensions from time to time. We didn't have those when we were together.


        Sometimes I wonder if guys just don't get it. Like maybe they can't feel things the way women can. Am I far off in saying that?


          It is like that sometimes.. I don't know why, they probably really feel completely different and have different point of views and stuff? Not sure
          "If it takes...forever....I will wait for you...For a thousand summers...I will wait for you...'Till you're back back beside me...'till i'm holding you...'till I hear you sigh, here in my arms..."


            Ah. I actually think I'm fighting less. Sometimes I can be really moody and I take things he says personally but I feel I fight less than in my previous relationships.. Or maybe it's just because I wasn't too serious with my ex boyfriends.

            I think my first step from fighting less came from trying to calm down and think before I say anything back. Doesn't work all the time but it's a lot better now. To be honest, most of the time the problem was not in the other person ;D


              funny enough we only have our arguments at the beggining of each month, with the occasional one throughout the month. it happens your gonna argue its a part of every relationship but the key is to talk it out until its solved, never go to bed, hang up, or go offline angry!


                The weird thing is we usually argue when we're together. I know it sounds so weird, but I think it's because we're not used to being together and getting used to each others habits etc. But we apologise afterwards always. We don't argue all the time when we're together, just like once, but we both recognized it, and that's the time we had a long talk about our relationship. I had about twenty tissues, crying my eyes out, it was so horrible. We didn't fight, it was the talking about everything that brought the tears on. But after that talk, we really are better than ever.


                  don't worry your definitely not alone

                  eric and i end up fighting about the stupidest things, after we fight we're like what the hell did we fight about that for?!

                  the distance really takes a toll on us, and most LDR's. it's normal

                  LDR's test so much in the love that people have for eachother, and i seriously believe.. if you can make it through a LDR, you can make it through anything


                    Me and my boyfriend use to fight a lot more. But we learned how to communicate better and now we rarely fight.


                      Try to calm down a bit. Organize your thoughts and try to identify what is it that is bothering you. Long distance can take a toll sometimes.


                        I'm sure it happens to all of us..


                          umm I am going through the same thing right now so I def feel you. We argue about stuff that we wouldn't if we weren't apart. I def understand the part about my fiance not totally understanding where I'm coming from at times. When I tell him how I feel he thinks its not a big deal or that I'm telling him how to feel or how to act. I also hate the feeling that he doesnt seem to care how I feel at times, but he isnt really like that when we are together. so I understand...i think it is the distance getting to us and having issue that we dont have when we are together. cant wait till October when we won't have any distance! Good luck

