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she ask if i can wait, what should i do?

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    she ask if i can wait, what should i do?

    Hi, I met this girl on an online game I confess to her it been about 4-5month since then we talked everyday since I confessed to her.
    We have a chat room for our gaming section and she does come everyday after work, in between those months I ask how she feel about
    me even the slightest will help but the answer she can only give me is "I don't know at the moment" cause she got other life problem going on atm money, family, and she also think of moving as well so I kind of understand.
    But she can't tell me if she's into me or not, she asked if I can wait if not then I don't have to so I don't know if I should cause we have so much in common and we share a lot of
    things already. I don't know if she just pity me, feel bad for me, don't want to reject me cause I might take it too hard, see how long im willing to wait, or giving her time to see
    if she actually have any feelings for me. We still talk almost everyday to this day, only days she don't come to chat is when I upset her in someway but that only last about 1-2days.
    We most of the time have long session of completely silence for about 3-4hr nowadays since we both met yet she's still stay which confuse me even more. Cause if she not into me
    or have any feels for me I think she would of left a while ago and not stay with me in complete silence. She have lots of other friends but she choose to stay with me in silence rather then with them.

    I know it might sounds like bits and piece and makes no sense, but im so confuse right now I got this problem going through my mind everyday since then. I getting the feeling that she's
    might just like me like a friend but then why does she stay with me everyday in silence than being with her other friends who are more fun to be with. So I don't know if I should just look at this
    as a close friendship and expect nothing more or what to do, in the past few days I did get her off my mind for a bit cause I kind of know the answer but it still bothers me a lot. Should I keep waiting, give up, or just look at her
    as a friend?

    If she's not talking, how do you know she is really even there? Or not in other chat rooms as well?
    At this point, she hasn't given you anything else to really go on. How is this even a friendship?? Do you even talk at all??
    If she won't and hasn't said she wants to start a more serious relationship, and you too can't communicate, which is vital to any relationship, especially LD, then you all have nothing.
    That is how I read your post. How can you be friends if you don't even talk.


      we do talk, everyday, just not relationship related things only game related, I make a chat room just for us so theres no one else in there. we been friend about 1-2 month before I told her but we still just friends nothing more, since she said we should take it slow. It just that theres time that theres nothing to talk about and theres a big silence it just started recently about last month or so.
      she know how I feel about her but she cant give me any answer back, the best answer I get is that she does like my personality and that's it. We haven't done any skype or anything of that sort when I ask she just say she don't want to do it we did meet in person offline once before.
      Last edited by ecchi; December 28, 2015, 04:05 AM.


        Sometimes we all kinda not have things to talk about, but there are good resources here to help start convos again!
        It does seem as she is keeping you in the friend zone. You have asked her, and she did give an answer,
        Keep her as a friend. If it grows past that later, then that would be great! Otherwise, don't keep pushing. Just be a friend and keep communicating.
        So you did meet in real life? Or have you talked to her on the phone? -just checking so you know she is real and you are not being catfishes etc...
        Good luck!


          Originally posted by sasad View Post
          Sometimes we all kinda not have things to talk about, but there are good resources here to help start convos again!
          It does seem as she is keeping you in the friend zone. You have asked her, and she did give an answer,
          Keep her as a friend. If it grows past that later, then that would be great! Otherwise, don't keep pushing. Just be a friend and keep communicating.
          So you did meet in real life? Or have you talked to her on the phone? -just checking so you know she is real and you are not being catfishes etc...
          Good luck!
          we met in real life. I been asking her a lot of things about our relationship and i keep getting about the same answer so I going to stop asking for a while. She got mad last time when I ask her "too many" question but then she also say why don't I share anything with her told her many time before if she want to know anything she should ask me
          but she never do seems like she expect me to just say it out which I do time to time just that my life is not as interesting as her before we met so I don't know what else to share.
          I been chasing her for the past 4 month or so and it didn't turn out too good so right now I had enough and going to let her do the chasing for once. She still comes to our chat room
          everyday like in the past although even though we don't talk as much anymore, she got other rooms where her friends are but she decide to come to me instead is confusing me as well, and by the way we do voice chat not typing.
          Last edited by ecchi; December 28, 2015, 07:38 AM.


            That's a GREAT idea!!!
            Stay friends and let HER come to you if she wishes!

