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Passing the border/possible advice? (Travelling to Canada)

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    Passing the border/possible advice? (Travelling to Canada)

    Hi everyone!

    I'm travelling next month to go see my SO whom lives in Canada.

    I live in Belgium and have never travelled anywhere outside of Europe.

    I will have a round trip ticket, as it's my first time visiting and I know borders could ask me how long I plan to stay.

    My doctor will be in charge of the medical part and filling in the required documents, is anyone familiar with travelling and having chronic illnesses? One of mine is Dysautonomia, which can cause me to faint. But any advice is appreciated because I will be taking medication with me aswell, of course I make sure my pharmacist labels everything and have a copy of the original prescription from my GP. I might also request assistance to my flights.

    Another thing I was concerned about is when they could ask if I have enough money for the duration I will stay there. I will be staying at my SO's house. But how much is enough? I was thinking cash(but no idea how much, 500 CAD atleast? And taking a creditcard just incase? I'm staying 10-14 days.

    I've also heard they could ask who you are visiting?

    I know it are a lot of questions but I want to make sure I'm fully prepared and to avoid any kind of stress or unexpected situations. So any advice is appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by IdDieForYou; January 2, 2016, 11:23 AM.

    Canada lets anyone in, and being from Europe you'll have no issues. Just say you are coming for a visit to see friends. Ten to fifteen days isn't enough to have to justify anything. Just make sure you have travel insurance in case you need to visit a doctor for any reason. $500 should be more than enough. What I do instead of all that cash is just charge everything to your credit card, take a bit of cash for the smaller things, but credit card is definitely the most handy.

