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    Have you ever had people outside your relationship trying to break you and your S.O. apart? Which one were they pursuing? How did you handle it?

    I know that I've been 'the other girl' in two long distance relationships. Neither boy cheated on his girlfriend with me, but it had gotten to the point where they started saying and promising things to me that were are big No No in relationships. Looking back of course I see how stupid I was for intervening, but both boys were my friends, were emotionally abused (to the point where they had to seek therapists) and just saw me as an quick escape from their relationships.

    And now there is this guy at work named Dan attempting to screw with my relationship. He's trying to introduce poinsonous thoughts like "Why do you want to be with someone who is never there?" and keeps trying to hang out with me. He never refers to Judsen by his name and likes to mock everything I do. "Aww, you're video chatting tonight, how sweet. It's just like college again."

    I've blocked him on Facebook and on Gchat. And I refuse to hang out with him. Unfortunately my roommate is seeing his roommate, so we sometimes bump into eachother.

    Grrr, some people stink.
    First date: 12.27.09
    Started the distance: 6.10.10
    Finished the distance: 8.17.12

    J & C

    my boyfriend, Alex, was the 'temptation' in my previous relationship. ^^; He was always there and my boyfriend was never there. I was afraid that Alex would get angry and say he didn't want to be friends if we couldn't be more but he told me if I just wanted to be friends, that's what we'd be. obviously didn't turn out that way ;P


      Well I have first of all my parents probably. My sorta kinda best friend was once also like "Fuck Chris he's in hell knows where Kentucky!?"
      And sometimes I get weird stares from people who dont really know me but get to hear the story.
      Yet my other friends support me, some of them dont really understand the relationship but they say as long as Im cool with it its cool with them

      Oh and I got a sex offer not too long ago, bein told that a boyfriend might be a reason but no barrier.

      People are weird I just ignore them lol
      You do your thing, I do mine.


        There was a girl trying to break up my first marriage. Or should I say whore? Probably. She spent 14 years working on it. She lived in another state, but that didn't slow her down. She sent letters to his parents and siblings. She would email him, I'd tell her to stop the contact (I said it as him), blocked her, she'd be back the next day with a new email address. She called. Texted. She would call his parents. She wrote HIM letters sent to his parents so they wouldn't be passed through me.

        How much of this did my ex encourage? I don't know. Did he cheat with her? I don't know. The b*tch thinks she won, as he had her and her 4 kids move in with him as soon as I told him to get out. Well hello, who wants a man that plays around, leaves his wife after 11 years (I KNOW there was cheating at the end) for a hillbilly stripper? (And it must be some low class joint, I've seen naked pics. What a treat that was. I am not being petty, the girl has a man face and boobs headed to her knees... that doesn't say stripper to me.)

        The skank ended up spending a ton of his money (our bill money), and after a few months dumped him without a word. She had been cheating on him anyway. He hasn't heard from her in like 6 months now. And yes, it was a wake up call to him. And he regrets every last choice he made regarding her.

        Oh I should mention how they met. They met when my ex was my boyfriend and shipped to Arkansas for his senior year of high school. They met there. And he cheated (no sex, but still cheated). LDR, FTL.


          I'm not living in my mother country now so my life circle is not that big, I don't find anybody near me who tries to break my relationship. However, my boyfriend is now in China and he's considered charming and attractive there (because of his look, his job, his nationality, etc) and I don't know if any girls there would make a move. I told him to add "in a relationship" to his facebook as Hong Kong people really like using it and this remark may keep some of those girls away. But he doesn't want to as he doesn't want to share his personal life with all kind of people on his facebook and give them a reason to comment on him. I don't know...personally I think if a person is meant to be a cheater, there's just nothing we can do. Of course I can visit more often, talk to him everyday etc, but if he wants to cheat, he can cheat even we're living together. So I don't really spend time to worry about things like this, I do all I should do and all I can do, if he cheats, I can at least walk away knowing it's not me, it's him.


            I had a friend who was trying to break us apart because she was jealous I, for the first time, had a boyfriend and she was currently without and no decent guy was latching onto her desperate tit shakes and lash-batting. She talked about how he was a rapist and all these things, how I couldn't trust someone I'd never met in person, how because he was black he was x, x, and x and turning me 'ghetto', was a bad influence, was turning me stupid and into a whore just because I was, gasp, openly talking about sex with someone other than her when she lets it be common knowledge she breaks sex toys a lot. The worst part was she never wanted to meet him because she was "scared" of him, which he never understood and neither have I. It's part of why I'm glad I left her.


              Stay strong! That's the best advice I can give you. Remember how much your SO means to you and don't let him get in the way of your relationship


                I wasn't hit on while we were LDR, but he was! A girl he grew up with was in love with him, and then when we became officially together she (she had a boyfriend at the time) tried to hook up with my boy. She told him how much she wanted to be with him, and that if he was sure she wanted to be with me, blah blah blah. Then she broke up with her boyfriend, and then she texted him, and asked him if we were still on, because she was hoping he broke it off with me! He avoided all the contact with her, and she stopped it. Anyway, one time that I was in Germany I met her, and she was a total looser. But people can be evil!


                  ever since the girls around know i have a girl friend they are trying me out... every saterday's all over again... but heck i'm a loyal dog.
                  and they are definitly not worth it anyway.


                    Enrique left his ex for me XP. Really long story. It was mostly his fault since I was single at the time and made sure to remind him he wasn't D:<! Alas, I fell for the bastard still ;_;! Everyone involved is happy now so fuck it. Through our relationship he's had girls hit on him. He can't help it, he's sexy :P. He doesn't do anything though, he knows I know where to stab for maximum damage while not killing him D:<! That and he's faithful too, mostly the stabbing threats though ;D.

                    I've had people form my side hit on me too, including one of his friends @_@. I've had a creepy guy I went to high school with, a high school friend, an online friend, another online friend, yet another online friend XP. My real life friends tend to get better that I am very intolerant of flirting while I'm dating unless I intend to cheat :P. I'm faithful in this one though :'D. I have to be, he has my Star Wards original trilogy DVDs and I want them back in one piece one day ;_;!


                      Originally posted by T.Ruis View Post
                      ever since the girls around know i have a girl friend they are trying me out... every saterday's all over again... but heck i'm a loyal dog.
                      and they are definitly not worth it anyway.

                      That's so cute how you say they're are not worth it

