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Hate when people say this!

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    Hate when people say this!

    It;s my number 1 pet peeve since ive been in a LDR when people say this about there girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife "I wont see them for 3 days since they'll be at work, its gonna be hell" or something like that.....3 days??? 3 DAYS???!!!! try months, or years for not seeing your SO, i dont get to see Denise every day like i want to because she lives in another country and they have the nerve to say that, i really wish i could say that but i cant! grrrrrrrrrrr!!!

    To me, it's all about what you're used to. People who see each other every day can miss each other tremendously when they're as little as a day apart.
    We're used to not seeing our SO, they're not. The feeling is just as extreme.


      Originally posted by William View Post
      To me, it's all about what you're used to. People who see each other every day can miss each other tremendously when they're as little as a day apart.
      We're used to not seeing our SO, they're not. The feeling is just as extreme.
      Agreed. When I was CD I saw J every other day. On our days off I would miss him. Now I think seeing him every three weeks is awful, but there are some people that have gone months / year without seeing their S.O.
      First date: 12.27.09
      Started the distance: 6.10.10
      Finished the distance: 8.17.12

      J & C


        you got a point there, im PMDDing(another form of PMS) so im a bit touchy today and its probably why it pissed me off more seeing that today, normally i ignore it


          I just kinda roll my eyes and laugh a little, thinking "Oh, if you only knew!" to those people. I used to like those little breaks in CDR's, it meant I could watch whatever I wanted on TV, eat whenever I felt like it, go shopping without the whining guys typically do while there I never understood why people didn't make the best of 'em (CDR breaks, not LDR - there's nothing good about those!!)
          Last edited by Moon; September 10, 2010, 03:16 PM. Reason: Added info
          Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


            First off...hopefully your mood turns around for you...kind of in one myself.

            William hit it perfectly. It is what you are use to...I know it has been only 5 weeks since seeing my love...but it doesn't make my heart hurt any worse than someone who has went much longer. Each situation is different.

            I can't imagine going longer...I honestly don't know if I would be strong enough. I admire anyone that truly knows their love is strong enough and they hold on.

            Hang in there hon...Like I said...hope your day gets better!
            NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


              Originally posted by Moon View Post
              I just kinda roll my eyes and laugh a little, thinking "Oh, if you only knew!" to those people.
              I do the same as you.
              And hope your day gets better Caitlin!


                I think what they mean is different than what you're hearing. What you're hearing is 'see', when they mean something else. There's a GRAND difference between physical and emotional distance and we all have the problem of physical distance, but not always emotional as we can talk to them, we feel them in our hearts, we're not as emotionally lonely. Those people, the person is physically leaving and they either don't take calls and e-mails the same way we do or the person will have zero contact at all so they get neither when we lack one. But that's entirely my weird 2 cents on that subject.


                  I can see where you're coming from, Caitlin, but at the same point I also agree with William.

                  During our first stretch of LDR, I had a class with a girl who, while somewhat long distance (he lived in her hometown, 3 hours away), talked to her boyfriend for hours on the phone every day and saw him every weekend. Then, for ONE WEEK, he was switched to working 3rd shift at work, and the way she carried on, you'd think the world was ending. They were limited to one half hour phone call per day, while he was on his way to work. And he still e-mailed and facebooked her as much as possible.

                  This was during the two weeks that my boyfriend had gone on a trip around Morocco and southern Spain, with limited internet access (he didn't even bring his computer with him). I went over two weeks without a word from him. I wanted to tell her to shut up so badly.

                  But I had to remind myself that I was at least somewhat used to not hearing from BF. This girl was used to being in almost constant contact, and she didn't know how to deal with even a moderate decrease. I was going from maybe an hour a day on Skype (if that, depending on how busy we were) to none at all...but I was more used to it.

                  If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


                    Having been on both sides of the fence, I miss Obi more now if I don't see him for three days than I ever did in the months we were in different countries, because when we were in different countries it was a different kind of missing, and because I was prepared for it, I was used to it, it was just a fact. I don't know. It's just different. I don't think there's a comparison, and I don't think it's right to judge.
                    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                      ohhh don't worry i feel the exact same way.

                      even people complaining about not seeing them for 1 day

                      i mean i understand.. they're used to seeing they're SO everday, but i'm the lasssstt person you should be complaining to that about!


                        Originally posted by William View Post
                        To me, it's all about what you're used to. People who see each other every day can miss each other tremendously when they're as little as a day apart.
                        We're used to not seeing our SO, they're not. The feeling is just as extreme.
                        I agree with this. We're use to not seeing our SO's for a long period of time while other people are used to seeing their SO every day.

                        And I hope you're day is getting better!


                          I think that when you love a person, being away from them is never easy. Even if it is for a short period of time.

