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It's over.

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    It's over.

    As you may have read in previous posts of mine, I was having issues with my SO. I couldn't deal with the soon-to-be-ex-wife and secrets any longer

    I told him that I love him, but that after 6 months I deserve to be a known part of is live and should be trying to build a relationship with his family. And that if that wasn't possible, if I had to continue to be a secret, than he could call me when the divorce is final.

    So it's over.

    I can't believe it... Even though I was the one that ended it, it doesn't change that it hurts.
    "God I'm evil!" ~Me
    "Yes you are. Now shut up and kiss me." ~AJ

    Everyday apart is one day closer to being together again.

    *hugs* I am so sorry to hear this!


      You poor thing. I'm glad that you were strong enough to not put up with being a secret. Good luck sweetie!
      First date: 12.27.09
      Started the distance: 6.10.10
      Finished the distance: 8.17.12

      J & C


        I'm so happy that you got the strength to speak your mind.
        however I'm so sorry about your breakup. I hope things get better for you.


          In the end you had to do what was best for you, though I know that's no comfort at all. We're all here for you, though.


            I'm sorry you had to go through all that.

            Hopefully you find peace with your decision soon.


              So sorry to hear that. Everything happens for a reason though. I'm sure you made the right decision.


                I'm sorry that you had to end it, but I think it's best for you. You deserve to be with a man who doesn't feel he has to hide you...the very fact that your ex did that for so long leads me to believe that there were other things going on.

                If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


                  I am so sorry. We are all here to listen. How did he react??
                  NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                    I'm so sorry that this happened. Good luck and stay strong!!


                      I'm sorry about your breakup, TristenLove.
                      We're all here for you<3


                        So sorry to hear about your break up I hope you are okay, or will be okay...


                          Thanks everyone. I'm doing ok. of course I haven't tried to go to bed yet, I know that's when I'll really fall apart. It's hard knowing that I won't be watching the clock waiting for his call, or writing an email to him every night. Or looking forward to the next time I feel his kisses on my neck or his hand on my cheek.

                          But I know it's for the best.
                          "God I'm evil!" ~Me
                          "Yes you are. Now shut up and kiss me." ~AJ

                          Everyday apart is one day closer to being together again.


                            I'm so sorry to hear this, I hope things can still work out between you. Stay strong *hugs*
                            In a relationship with

                            Read mine & Tanja's story here!

                            My Albums:
                            Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
                            Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
                            My dog Sam ♥


                              Be strong. U can go through it

