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Aussie here I come!

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    Aussie here I come!

    I haven't been a member for long, but I've read a lot of threads the last few years. So all your stories inspired me alot. After 3 years I'm finally going to meet my Australian next month. ^^


    That's great! I hope you have a lovely first meeting.


      Is you going there?
      Hope it's great.


        Yes, I'm going there first trip out of Europe, so I'm really excited.


          Enjoy your trip!


            Have fun! I hope all goes well

            Also, I hope your first long haul flight is good and you have a relaxing flight; Australia is an impressive distance for a first long haul flight.


              Thank you!

              I hope so too, since it's the first time I'm going to travel on my own. And to go that far away is quite exciting. But I think it's a good challenge for me to do something like this on my own. :P


                That's a big adventure! Here's hoping everything goes okay!

                It'll take a lot more than words and guns
                A whole lot more than riches and muscle
                The hands of the many must join as one
                And together we'll cross the river


                  Have a great trip, and don't worry about the flights, you'll be fine. I hope you have some time to do airport shopping, especially if you have layovers. I always try to buy some local candy, a local beer, and/or some fun beauty products I can't get in the US. Like Miasmata said, it's an adventure, enjoy!
                  Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                    Thank you! Yes I have a layover at Dubai but not for too long. And in Brisbane I have a longer layover, that way I can walk around a bit and check some shops out.

