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I'm in love with someone 6 yrs younger then me.

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    I'm in love with someone 6 yrs younger then me.

    I'm not even sure how to begin to write this out where it can be clearly understood, but I will certainly try. So I am a 23 yr old girl and I will be 24 in March and He is 18 in March. We met online close to 2 years ago but cut the friendship off because I felt it was inappropriate for me to be speaking to a 16 yr old and viewing him as a friend as I was 21. So I told him to delete all my contact information and he did, but for some reason I still had his skype and saw him every time I used skype so about 6 months ago I decided to say hi but only received his reply about a month ago and that day is when my life got extremely complicated and very confusing.
    Well it all started with us just catching up like general things about life and the things that have changed but we talked for about 2 weeks and we found that there was some feelings there that we noticed and we decided to address them. But I never would go for someone younger then me so I spent a lot of the time trying to say goodbye to him, well not only because of his age but because of the distance and the logistics of everything, but every single time I tried he would get really upset and cry, it literally broke my heart. After a week of talking about everything under the sun, he decided that he is very scared and that he did not want to continue because of his age so we stopped talking.....for one day. I went to counseling and talked with him about everything and I found I really liked him and missed him, so I messaged him multiple times and finally he responded and the past 4 days have been absolutely amazing! He wrote me this message that said "I accept that we love each other and I accept that it hurts not having me(as it hurts not having you as well and I wish I could just wake up one morning and find that I've been with you my whole life) but I also accept we are both at different points in out paths and hopefully our paths stay side by side for a while so that when I do catch up with you I can join you on your path" That message melted my heart and we decided to stay away from being like bf and gf and just talk and enjoy each other's company. We know that we care for each other, we know that we want to be with each other in the future, he says that he is reserving himself for me because he loves me and does not want anyone he makes me feel like I'm the only person he will ever want but I don't know if it's his age that doesn't allow me to trust him 100 percent but I just wish to talk about this with someone who has been in this situation before. There is so much more to say about everything and I would like to get a honest opinion about everything so If you need clarification or more details please let me know. I've never felt this way before with anyone else. I'm just confused, scared, and kind of lost.
    Thank you for reading this to the end, please honest opinions and suggestions maybe on where to go from here
    Thank you!