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Does anybody else feel like this in their LDR???

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    Does anybody else feel like this in their LDR???

    I'm in a wonderful relationship, we both love each other dearly!

    However, sometimes I feel like we used to be more lovey-dovey than now. For instance, I wonder why he doesn't call me every time before he sleeps now, when he used to literally do it every single day before. This was about a few months ago. Is it because it was still in what they call the "honeymoon" phase? I do admit I feel like we are more mature in our relationship than before though. I got mad a few days ago though because I felt as if I was putting more effort into the relationship as him, because he wasn't calling as much as before and he was gonna go to bed so I just called and got pretty upset. This was over a week ago so everything is fine now, but part of me still feels a bit bad about it... so about that, should I just forget about it and move on? i have told myself to not get all upset and mad at him for small stuff like that, and I finally understand I think...

    anyway, just looking for people who have felt like this or have had fights/arguments about such small matters... like I said, our relationship is great, I just think about this every now and then

    thank you!

    When my SO and I first got together, we called every day and texted quite a bit throughout the day. Now, over 2 years later, we text every day but we don't talk on the phone every day. For us, we have very busy individual lives and it may not always be that our times match up or we can answer when the other one calls. It doesn't mean we don't love each other or care about each other but things have evened out and we are comfortable with our relationship.
    To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

    ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


      I think that, in general, this is really normal in all sorts of relationships. Over time, the heady romantic feelings of the beginning give way to actual life, and also you get used to each other so there isn't that feeling of novelty all the time like in the beginning.

      My relationship is pretty new. That said, I've known J for a few years before we started dating. Also, we are not so much the sexy texts or sexy skype kind of people. So for me in particular, what I crave is being in communication on a daily basis and getting fairly quick responses to texts or calls. Last weekend, J went incommunicado from about noon on Sunday (Valentine's Day!) until Monday evening. He works on Sunday's until 3 or 4 and then has a nap after almost every week, so I wasn't expecting to hear from him til Sunday evening. When I couldn't talk to him that day, I was really upset and felt a little insecure and unimportant. But what I did to help myself out is first, talk to a couple of trusted friends about how I was sad about it and then also remind myself that his track record of communicating over the last almost 2 months we've been together has really been very good. Turns out he had a terrible migraine and was dead to the world from 4 Sunday to 1pm Monday, and then he had to play catch up that afternoon and evening. He also knew I was working Monday afternoon. So I got to talk to him for a long time Monday and because I was able to remind myself of the good things, I didn't get all upset and ruin our time together.

      So - I say remember that the transition of your relationship is a good thing in so many ways, and be grateful for it. Having this attitude will make talking about what you need from your partner be more positive when you do have those conversations.


        Originally posted by R&R View Post
        When my SO and I first got together, we called every day and texted quite a bit throughout the day. Now, over 2 years later, we text every day but we don't talk on the phone every day. For us, we have very busy individual lives and it may not always be that our times match up or we can answer when the other one calls. It doesn't mean we don't love each other or care about each other but things have evened out and we are comfortable with our relationship.
        Yeah, our time difference is about 14 hours, so it can be quite tricky to find time to talk sometimes! I guess that's what has happened, we have become more comfortable and trusting of each other to know we don't need to be on the phone 24/7 with one another


          Originally posted by QueenD View Post
          I think that, in general, this is really normal in all sorts of relationships. Over time, the heady romantic feelings of the beginning give way to actual life, and also you get used to each other so there isn't that feeling of novelty all the time like in the beginning.

          My relationship is pretty new. That said, I've known J for a few years before we started dating. Also, we are not so much the sexy texts or sexy skype kind of people. So for me in particular, what I crave is being in communication on a daily basis and getting fairly quick responses to texts or calls. Last weekend, J went incommunicado from about noon on Sunday (Valentine's Day!) until Monday evening. He works on Sunday's until 3 or 4 and then has a nap after almost every week, so I wasn't expecting to hear from him til Sunday evening. When I couldn't talk to him that day, I was really upset and felt a little insecure and unimportant. But what I did to help myself out is first, talk to a couple of trusted friends about how I was sad about it and then also remind myself that his track record of communicating over the last almost 2 months we've been together has really been very good. Turns out he had a terrible migraine and was dead to the world from 4 Sunday to 1pm Monday, and then he had to play catch up that afternoon and evening. He also knew I was working Monday afternoon. So I got to talk to him for a long time Monday and because I was able to remind myself of the good things, I didn't get all upset and ruin our time together.

          So - I say remember that the transition of your relationship is a good thing in so many ways, and be grateful for it. Having this attitude will make talking about what you need from your partner be more positive when you do have those conversations.
          thank you soo much! I definitely needed this and I appreciate your reply! I already have been feeling less stressed since learning to not sweat the small stuff and just focus on the big picture... We definitely had had a big transition probably since we have met twice since our "honeymoon" phase, and that for sure made us more comfortable with one another. I do sometimes get worried if he doesn't text me back after a long time, but I try to control that more now because I know he's not doing anything I wouldn't like

