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Im just disapointed i guess..

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    Im just disapointed i guess..

    Hi everyone,

    I'm having a LDR with a guy for about 6 months now. Since February he started his military basic training which ofc meant we wouldn't have as much contact anymore. He would go home every weekend so we could skype and write lots. The problem is... we dont write at all and skype a little while we might be talking even more while hes at the military..

    He always promises to skype and last weekend again he said he would have lots of time so im just waiting for him to say when he is free but he is not saying anything at all. He is online quite often and when i write something or ask him to skype he is not replying at all.. he does read it though...

    How should i deal with this..? Like, i said plenty if times i would prefer it to have him just tell me he doesnt want it cuz ignoring feels worse. When we meet up and skype its aaalll okay and hes nice and awesome and everything but he just seems to forget me or something when he has time off and what disappoints me is that he promises to make time for me so im just waiting but he doesnt say anything at all which makes me feel like im just being forgotten. Its hard to explain but i hope someone can just cheer me up, give some advice or anything

    It must be so frustrating, i offer loads of internet hugs! Just try to be strong through this! One question that came to mind is: Have you talked to him about it? What has he said afterwards as the reason he didnt reply or ignored you? My one and only suggestion is to really tell him that this bothers you and see how he reacts to know if its worth it. You deserve his attention and him keeping to his word, or the very least being honest with you!


      Last weekend i just broke so yeah i told him, his answer was that he was just so absorbed in his alone time that he kinda forgot about me. And i defenitely understand that. Of nature he is very introverted, shy and a bit of a shut in sometimes and if you then get into the military you have like zero alone time and he needs that. He told me he was sorry and that he knew he was being a shitty boyfriend. He is defenitely worth it but im so wondering what he would he thinking since i told him i really just wanna know if he doesnt feel like camming but that contradicts his behaviour of telling me he defenitely wants to cam...and thank you very much, here is a internethug back <3


        How old is your so? I see you are 16.. Still waiting n school I assume?
        He is going through a big change with his life and time. In the US , you get owned by the military when you join up. A lot of couples have a horrible time adjusting to this.
        Make sure you talk. Explain what you feel. Set up times to have skype dates also mentioned when you meet often do you get to see each other??


          Originally posted by sasad View Post
          How old is your so? I see you are 16.. Still waiting n school I assume?
          He is going through a big change with his life and time. In the US , you get owned by the military when you join up. A lot of couples have a horrible time adjusting to this.
          Make sure you talk. Explain what you feel. Set up times to have skype dates also mentioned when you meet often do you get to see each other??
          He is getting 20 tomorrow :0 and well he is just doing a basic training as an experience so he wont progress with the military xD and we see eachother normally about once a month or once in two months ^^

