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Can I go through with this?

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    Can I go through with this?

    So as some people might know, I'm thinking (more than thinking at this stage really) about going travelling for a year. Current plans (SO and I both from UK and he will be there the whole tome while I'm away)

    one month in fiji
    one month in new zealand
    two months in australia
    one month at home
    one and a half months in thailand
    one month in india
    two weeks at home
    one - two months in USA

    Now I know that for a lot of people here it's actually not that long between coming home/visits/whatever, but we're used to at the moment twice a month and next year we're pretty much CD. He's being so fantastic about it but I'm just so worried that I'm being too selfish. I wont be able to stay in fantastic contact for quite a lot of my travelling and he's the one left behind while I get to go do something amazing.

    Before people ask, it's impossible for him to come with or for him to visit me for various reasons - the only times we'll see each other is when I come home. When I need to see everyone and do everything which might need doing as well as fit in as much tie with him as possible. And he wont be anywhere near (except for in the same country) as everything else I have to do - very inconvient!

    I know it's possible, and I know we'll get through it. But right now we can't talk becuase he has no phone signal. He has a cheap service provider which means he hardly EVER has signal - if I get upset about something like that, how will I be OK with not being able to talk at all becuase of me?

    Am I being selfish in doing this? Is it too much to ask? I'm basically purposely making us LDR (in quite a major way IMO) and not for a job or school or anything like that. I'm completely chosing it for my own benifit. I guess I feel guilty about it, but I still want to go. I've asked him to be honest and tell me to stay if he wants; he hasn't, but then I would lie to him if our roles were reversed.

    I don't even know what I' asking. I think I jsut needed some feedback. And to vent. Venting is good.

    I think you have an amazing opportunity to see the world and you SO obviously loves you very much to not ask to give it up! It will defo be hard but if the relationship is meant to be you two will survive the separation, also it will give you soooo much to share with him, you can keep in contact whenever possible and maybe even keep him involved by sending him something from every place you go to so he know that even though your apart your still thinking of him.

    Your not being selfish by doing something for yourself, also if you stayed just to be close to him you may always hold it against him even if only sub-consciously! and you will probably regret missing out on such an opportunity.

    Follow your heart it wont lead you wrong Good luck and enjoy!


      Wow, wish I could afford to travel like that


        You're going to have a blast traveling! And its' great that your SO doesn't have a problem with this. And whenever you're home, I'm sure you'll make time to see him


          Personally, I think that if you can afford that kind of travel, you can also afford to get roaming phone services so that you can stay in contact, or a half-way decent loptop if you're staying in places that are likely to have internet (and let's face it, even Mc'Donalds has free internet these days). There's also post cards, letters and photos. If your relationship is going to have a hope of surviving this, communication will be important. I think it's important to keep him involved, and to show him that you are thinking him no matter where you are. It's also nice to have someone to share things with.

          Whilst it is a selfish thing to do, that's not necessarily a bad thing. You'll have experiences that will stay with you the rest of your life It's a great opportunity! I hope you have a blast
          Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


            Follow your heart.
            NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


              Thanks guys. I guess it just seems a bit wierd to me - I've been sort of LDR for over a year now, but still scared of making us LDR. As you've said, technology makes it not too difficult to stay in contact the weeks I have net, and when I don't there's always postcards


                I think you should go. Just reverse the thought: would you regret it if you wouldnt go?
                It seems to me the only obstacle is your guiltfeeling, since your boyfriend seems to be very amazing about it. Take this opportunity now, because in a few years you might be CD with him, you might have a job or other obligations and a trip like this will be nearly impossible.
                Just be sure not to forget about him, so keep in touch!

