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Just got out of a ldr, looking for someone to talk with
I have now been in 3 long distance relationships over the last 5 years. Each of them failed. I'm not sure if it's because I have been doing it wrong or if I just fall in love with the wrong people.
Has this happened to anyone else?
You're not very specific as to why these relationships ended up failing. It might not just be through no fault of your own or the people just weren't right for you and it just went too fast. We can't necessarily give advice if we don't know the circumstances so we can't say if you did something wrong. Generally, people tend to fall in a cycle of bad relationships just to make themselves feel more complete when really we can be that outside of a relationship. Take some time for yourself instead of jumping from LDR to LDR. You will find love again but you're only 19 and there's plenty time to find someone who is compatible with you. Find out what makes you complete as an individual first - that's the most important thing and the rest will generally follow
Based on the username of OP, I'm going to say he's a troll
That's true, but sometimes people accidentally put their email address in the username slot - I've seen it done on a fair few forums. Wouldn't they have to verify their account before posting iirc? Then again, verification wouldn't stop people from trolling. We'll see how they respond to the replies
Originally posted by binobutsecks@gmail.comView Post
I have now been in 3 long distance relationships over the last 5 years. Each of them failed. I'm not sure if it's because I have been doing it wrong or if I just fall in love with the wrong people.
Has this happened to anyone else?
I too have been in 3 long distance relationships which all failed. They all happened when I wasn't even looking for love, yet I felt attached to all 3 of them anyway. I'm taking a break from dating for the time being, but I've learned a lot about myself from each of these relationships. I have no regrets. Whether you're serious or not, why don't you take a break from dating for a bit and try to find out more about yourself.
Yeah, I wasn't looking for any of these relationships to happen. And when they didn't work out I told myself that I wouldn't get into another one... I just never felt attracted to anyone I knew in real life.
I'm not one to sleep around and I can count the amount of people I've been involved with on 1 hand. I just can't help but wonder why I keep getting sucked into LDRs.
Thank you.
I have been trying to focus on myself. I never went looking for a LDR, it just happened I guess.
On the bright side to all this, I think I have learned a lot from being in these LDRs. Life is an adventure and we never know which turn it will take.
happened to me, and when i was over with dating/love in general, he found me...i have the LDR thing a last chance and we eventually closed the distance and are living happily ever since.