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Feeling irritated/irrational - is this normal?

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    Feeling irritated/irrational - is this normal?

    So we have just spent the Easter weekend together and most of it was fun. However I got myself into a low mood on Saturday when we got back from a lovely afternoon with my cousin and the football was on. I made dinner and my SO was so lost in the football I felt neglected (no hugs nothing no chit chat) So I went off to bed and he came up later and we watched a movie. However my train of thought got me thinking how selfish he was and he didn't care and that this was a sign that things weren't good. I tried to be brighter on Sunday but he could see I was moody and that just pushed him further away.

    He left today and we were fine as he left and I said I was sorry for having a mood. Now he has gone I'm ok but I don't understand why I got into such a mood. The backdrop to this is that I'm a full time worker with three kids and the weekend saw the kids go back and forth in and out so I really did not get to relax much. I am also menopausal and my sleep is just terrible hence I feel anxious and not confident about my body, skin,hair etc so it doesn't take much for me to cry and I suppose I feel needy for reassurance and cuddles.

    I still adore my SO he is great and we have a lot to look forward to in the coming months. It's always me that gets a bit moody and I feel eventually he will have had enough. I don't remember getting this before so not sure it's tiredness, hormones or my expectations of me and our relationship are too high.
    He doesn't moan at me about it but I can see it irks him.
    Anyone else feel this?

    oooh yeah!

    I narrowed it down to anxiety/insecurity. Last couple of months i was terrible anxious about my unemployment, i was going crazy. This brought insecurity, both brought negative thoughts. "He is losing interest, he is cheating etc etc". The last 3 days my anxiety has finally gone away. Well, most of it. So today, i had a bad moment at my new job ( ), i started feeling bad about myself "im a loser, i cant do this job etc etc" Next thought was that my partner doesn't want to talk to me. Thats when it became 1000% clear to me. It gets worse around my period, so i am sure going through menopause can be a terrible combination.

    With a full time job, 3 kids, menopause and being in an LDR, you need to to take care of yourself, you are probably stressed out. Try to eat well, exercise, consider supplements and if you are in to meditation even better.
    Also, grab a book about mindfulness, helped me tons.


      I understand the irritated/irrational feelings for sure. This is the first time I've been in a LDR and it's been a struggle for me, my SO lives with a roommate, roommates kids and girlfriend whom I have met. I get super irrational when I know that my SO has been spending time with the girlfriend and kids (roommate doesn't do anything with his kids or girlfriend) so my SO tends to help her out quite a bit. I know that there is nothing to worry about but it still irritates me. My SO and I are fortunate enough to live only about 5 hours apart so we get the chance to see each other every couple weeks, but since this last visit I've been super emotional/irrational/irritated. Any tips on how you all deal with this and not take it out on your SO?


        Three kids and menopause...enough said woman. I have not started that yet, unfortunately, but girlfriends and my sister have told me how wonk you get. So yes, I sold say normal for sure. Also, holidays can be stressful when you are running amuck. You were most likely tired as well on top of that.
        We all get that way once in a while, hell, we deserve it. Take time for yourself. Xo

