My boyfriend is at pilot training for the next year and we are stuck states apart. I am in nursing school for three more years and he will be stationed somewhere in the world after he finishes. We are both becoming very busy and it is getting more difficult to book plane tickets that work for both of us, or even just find more than an hour to FaceTime. Any advice on how to Get through this? Three years is a long time and every day seems longer and longer. He is the love of my life and I don't know what I would do without him. Every time there is one bump or small argument or we don't find anything to talk about I feel like the relationship is falling apart. I know this is irrational but how do I get over this?
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Feeling like it's all falling apart
Hang in there and realize an argument doesn't mean all is bad and it's the end. Distance is easier to argue it's harder to make up from far away there's always going to be bumps in the road you can't get so worked up over an argument. Nobody likes the bumps but you both have to hold on but you just have to hold on
An argument is logical, just make sure to always make up for it before u go sleepalso not having anything to talk about is normal aswell. At some point you know most of the things already of eachother and step over to flat talk, especually in a ldr because you dont experience much of the same things together which you could talk about. As for the not seeiing problem, thats hard... just remember you have been ablr to livr completely without him so you can live with not much contact now aswell
(not meant to sound harsh but the trick works for me, i have been able to live my life hapilly for 15 years without him so now i can aswell since hr is in his basic) just enjoy all time u got together and if its real love will win over distance. With love
Yes, i know the feeling way too well!
It is normal not to have things to talk about. I freaked out about that too only days ago. Totally melt-down. Thought it was the end of the world. In LDRs and in Life in general, it is extremely important to have self confidence, i can't stress it out enough. It is like the key to almost all worries, cause it makes you think "well, ok even if we break up it really isn't the end of the world". We all know that it isn't the end of the world, but when we feel insecure it's pretty hard to accept it.
About things to say, do check out this forum a bit more, it has really helpful advise on what to do with your SO and also there is a post somewhere that has "100 questions to ask your SO", something like that. Remember what you both did when you started the relationship and start doing it again, either it's sending songs to each other or funny pictures of your day. It's easy to fall into a routine. Work on you, get back into your hobbies, go out with friends, take long walks, go to the gym or just start jogging , find something that makes you you and feel great about yourself. That way, the 3 years will be a lot easier to cope with, but most importantly, you will live a happy life!
Take care!