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Awkwardness after argument/fighting?

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    Awkwardness after argument/fighting?

    I'm making this thread and not continuing my other cause i am fairly positive that a lot of people in here have something to say or would like advice about it.

    Long story short: we had an argument about communication, he felt pressured, i stepped back. I cut down on texts and stopped asking for calls, let him take the lead.

    During our first Video chat, after this argument, i felt really awkward. I felt like something has changed, i was even wondering "Do i still love this person?" , "Why didn't i miss him so much?". Due to our lesser communication there were small things that happened in his life that i didn't know about and as normal as that sounds, i mean you can't demand to know every little detail, i missed those details and i translated them to a sign that he is losing interest. That and the fact that i was even questioning my own interest, made that conversation really awkward and me really sad.

    Is this normal? In a CDR it's easier to jump back on track, you hug it out. How do you handle this? I am just gonna give it time but any other tips on what to do? Has anyone ever felt like this? Like losing interest?

    Sorry you had a fight. It's ok to experience feelings of doubt. We are all relationship is 100% hot all the time. If you stop and think about what this person means to you and how they make you feel that might help to reassure you. He also has to make an effort to communicate with you and together you survive the distance. Always love yourself, keep busy with your job and friends and hobbies.


      Of course you still love them I've read your other threads and I can assure you this is just you're anxiety over analyzing and catastrophizing everything it's normal for it to be a little quiet after an argument especially in an LDR it will pass though it's just harder to make up when you're far away especially when you're lacking physical contact don't worry


        Originally posted by Elizabeth123 View Post
        Sorry you had a fight. It's ok to experience feelings of doubt. We are all relationship is 100% hot all the time. If you stop and think about what this person means to you and how they make you feel that might help to reassure you. He also has to make an effort to communicate with you and together you survive the distance. Always love yourself, keep busy with your job and friends and hobbies.
        Thanks for that! I did feel better after following your advice. I am just trying to adjust to the new reality and i am still scared this may just be the beginning of the end. The truth is, he is attentive, he is keeping contact and he initiates it too. So i think we're good, but even if we are not, it will be ok. this is what i think of when i start to go negative. Thankfully i am busy and do have friends and and will "use" them more!!

        Originally posted by Elykyle View Post
        Of course you still love them I've read your other threads and I can assure you this is just you're anxiety over analyzing and catastrophizing everything it's normal for it to be a little quiet after an argument especially in an LDR it will pass though it's just harder to make up when you're far away especially when you're lacking physical contact don't worry
        Thank you Elykyle!! I think you are right, although it may fall under the thing i was telling you about, the fact that i do not feel anxious, this doesn't mean though that i am not over analyzing. if this happened while i was anxious, i would be in huge trouble. BUT, you also may be right, after all, i am no psychologist to know if i really am over my anxiety phase. I really must make an appointment.

        It is harder!!!!!!I just wanna hug him!!!!
        Last edited by Cup; April 9, 2016, 01:57 PM.


          Isn't it awkward for a little bit after you have a fight CD too? Sometimes it takes a few hours or days or whatever to get back to "normal". This is no different. You two are still feeling it out and seeing how your relationship is changing (or not changing) after the fight. I definitely pull away for a little bit when we have arguments just because 1) I'm embarrassed about what happened 2) I don't know how he's feeling now or 3) I'm not sure how to change my behavior depending upon what we disagreed about. It's totally normal to have some awkwardness and I fully agree that it'll go away soon!

