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1000 miles away

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    1000 miles away

    Yesterday was stressful. I am in jersey and my girlfriend is in Florida. She is at a music festival all weekend. She did call me yesterday morning and a couple text. I asked to see a picture of the festival. She sent me a provocative one of her in her tent. I responded two min later asking if she was in her tent still. A half an hour later she responded. No she is running around. In turn I asked when she took the picture. She told me earlier in the morning. Why wouldn't she sent it to me earlier than? The last text I got from her was 1:30pm. Around 6 I sent a text I would like to see some pictures of the festival. Nothing. She called me around 8/9. She has been volunteering all day at the show.
    We have been dating for a year now with this distance. We both left our spouses for each other. She is always attached to her phone. Not hearing from her. Not getting pictures from the festival. It is so stressful. It makes the mind over think. Any positive feedback?

    Originally posted by Ryan123 View Post
    Yesterday was stressful. I am in jersey and my girlfriend is in Florida. She is at a music festival all weekend. She did call me yesterday morning and a couple text. I asked to see a picture of the festival. She sent me a provocative one of her in her tent. I responded two min later asking if she was in her tent still. A half an hour later she responded. No she is running around. In turn I asked when she took the picture. She told me earlier in the morning. Why wouldn't she sent it to me earlier than? The last text I got from her was 1:30pm. Around 6 I sent a text I would like to see some pictures of the festival. Nothing. She called me around 8/9. She has been volunteering all day at the show.
    We have been dating for a year now with this distance. We both left our spouses for each other. She is always attached to her phone. Not hearing from her. Not getting pictures from the festival. It is so stressful. It makes the mind over think. Any positive feedback?
    Welcome to LFAD.

    Pretty much it comes down to you trust her or you don't. If you do, then you need to stop overthinking and go out and do some things you want to do while she is off enjoying the festival. If you don't trust her after a year of being together, then you need to look at yourself and your relationship and figure out why. The fact that you both left your spouse's for each other must weigh on your mind or you wouldn't have mentioned it. Do you not trust her because she (and yourself) have both proven that you can cheat on the person you've mad a commitment to?

    My SO and I live 1,000 miles apart and have been together 2 1/2 years. I don't always send him a picture that I take right after I take it. I may hold it for later just because I simply don't feel like sending it right that minute. It doesn't mean anything if I hold it - there is no hidden agenda or bad reason for not sending it.
    To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

    ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


      R&R. I mentioned it so whom ever wanted to respond knows more of the story. The thing is. I do trust her. Why I don't know why my anxiety is through the roof. In my marriage her and I did everything together. Now I am learning how to be myself again. It is hard for me. I am jealous I don't get to do these fun things with her too.


        Part of being in a healthy relationship (especially LD) is trust, like R&R said, but also having your own life. I tend to be attached to my phone as well, but if I have something going on with friends or I'm volunteering all day, I definitely am not sending messages to my SO. She's busy. Let her have her life and know that at the end of the day, she still loves you. That's where the trust comes in.


          Perhaps try to turn your jealousy into something positive. She is an active girl, out there exploring the world. She does something you could also like doing. This is something you can share with her, asking her to send pics, ask her how it was. It could be something to bond over, and maybe, when the two of you close the distance, you can voulenteer together, or even attend a festival together and paying regular ticets, to only focus on each other and the music. Jealousy without cause is an ugly monster, but you have to nurture it because it will not just dissapear. Embrace your jealousy. You have a great girl and she is acting normal, tell her "those pictures make me wish I was with you". We often do it like that, and tell each other "one day", or even "next visit".
          I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
          - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

          "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


            MissingMyDutchLove and differentcountries have excellent points and ideas. Being able to do things on your own, and eventually possibly together, is very important. Sure, we'd love to be able to do things together now, but the reality is that we can't and getting upset or jealous over that is not productive.

            Being able to thrive on your own is such a positive thing. Even if you close the distance at some point, you will want to make sure that you maintain your individuality. I know when my SO and I move to Texas, I'm still going to have things that I want to do on my own. We're moving to his hometown where he has family and friends and I will have to start on my own. I am looking forward to finding my niche and my own group of friends there for me. We'll have plenty of couple time with his family and friends and I don't want to lose myself in this new part of my life. I think when you find that thing for you, your jealousy of what she is doing will go down as you focus on the things you do that make you happy for yourself.
            To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

            ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.

