Hi everyone!
This is my first time posting here and it's quite relieving to know that I'm not the only one experiencing the issues associated with having a long distance relationship. I wish you all the absolute best!
Now the reason I'm reaching out for help. I've been with my current ldr boyfriend for close to three years now. Myself being 24 and him 22. Both our families are very accepting of each other; I couldn't ask for a more amazing family than my SO's. And as such, we FaceTime every holiday and thus my parents have met him face to face and are very well aware of who he is. We have never met in person mostly due to conflicting schedules, but have now set a date for this incoming July. I've saved more than enough for this trip but my SO's parents suggested that they pay for the trip themselves! Now, my parents (as you can probably guess, I still live at home due to financial reasons, yet I also help my parents financially as well, as my mother cannot work due to medical reasons) have known about this current trip since December and are still very unsupportive. They obviously, due to my age, cannot stop me from going but I am incredibly conflicted. Do I go and risk creating a rift between my parents or put off the trip until next year or whoever knows when. I feel as though another year will not change my parents minds. Just to clarify, I am not asking for my parents permission, I just do not want to ruin our current relationship. Also, they have stated that they will not kick me out if I do decide to go so that's not really a concern. Anyway, I just wanted to reach out and ask for some advice from you guys, as I'm sure I'm not the only one who has struggled with this.
I thank everyone who has took the time to read this and I appreciate all comments, thank you!
This is my first time posting here and it's quite relieving to know that I'm not the only one experiencing the issues associated with having a long distance relationship. I wish you all the absolute best!
Now the reason I'm reaching out for help. I've been with my current ldr boyfriend for close to three years now. Myself being 24 and him 22. Both our families are very accepting of each other; I couldn't ask for a more amazing family than my SO's. And as such, we FaceTime every holiday and thus my parents have met him face to face and are very well aware of who he is. We have never met in person mostly due to conflicting schedules, but have now set a date for this incoming July. I've saved more than enough for this trip but my SO's parents suggested that they pay for the trip themselves! Now, my parents (as you can probably guess, I still live at home due to financial reasons, yet I also help my parents financially as well, as my mother cannot work due to medical reasons) have known about this current trip since December and are still very unsupportive. They obviously, due to my age, cannot stop me from going but I am incredibly conflicted. Do I go and risk creating a rift between my parents or put off the trip until next year or whoever knows when. I feel as though another year will not change my parents minds. Just to clarify, I am not asking for my parents permission, I just do not want to ruin our current relationship. Also, they have stated that they will not kick me out if I do decide to go so that's not really a concern. Anyway, I just wanted to reach out and ask for some advice from you guys, as I'm sure I'm not the only one who has struggled with this.
I thank everyone who has took the time to read this and I appreciate all comments, thank you!
