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A question to all the people who are in or had been in LDR

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    A question to all the people who are in or had been in LDR

    Iam new in this forum and so Hi everyone.
    Iam not really feeling okay so I just want to make this writing as brief as possible.
    Is it possible to fall for a girl over a game?
    I always knew she had a bf in real life whom she is living with for 4 years. She never hide it. We first became best friends in game and slowly fall in love.
    I never had seen her by then.
    She always loved me but she never took it that seriously as she had bf irl. But I always secretly wanted to visit her once and spend the best times with her.
    She never wanted to leak any real life informations to anyone in game and so I never dared to ask her for her real info.
    But the more I fell in love with her the more Jealous I started to become of her real bf.
    I always hide it but it started to become transparent. She used to hide from her bf when she used to play this game with me.
    She loved her bf soo much and I had fallen for her deeply madly.
    She said she can't make her game life ruin her real life when I asked for more time to spend with me. I understood her love for me maybe isn't real.

    But time passed and we became closer and stronger. But as normal couple we used to fight sometimes and I used to hold her when she used to be sad. I always used to hold her and be the first one to say sorry when the fault was mutual. She used to cry then and say sorry too. She used to tell me hoe amazing guy Iam always understand her and take care of her even tho when it's her fault sometimes.
    But oneday I gave her my youtube link.
    I make funny and small movies on some game. There was a valentines day movie which I made with a girl.
    My girl saw that video and was soo upset and said she doesn't feel special anymore and thinks I do that with every girl. I tried to prove her that those all were actors for that movie . Alas! She wanted to hear nothing.
    She said she probably never want to see me anymore.
    Well then I was leaving the game and she came and tried ti stop me but I left.
    She became crazy and sad and asked everyone if they know my real info.
    She searched everywhere and she found my email.
    She mailed me saying how much she miss me and she realise her fault and she trusts me. She wants me to comeback.

    Lately I came back and I finally got her email address. Then she showed me her fb and she made kik (a messenger) for me. She doesn't use fb since 5 years.

    I love how she never lie to me. She always stay loyal to me when I ask her something even tho what can hurt me.
    She says she has fallen in love with me.
    She does regular sex with her bf tho (4-5 days a week).
    She says if I was there she would have been leave him and come to me.
    But then sometimes she says she can't leave her cuz it's so hard breaking a relationship of 4 years. She shares all the houses food furnitures everything with him.
    She also goes to his parents home with him almost every weekends.
    Oh yes she lives with him.

    Once I asked her if I come there right now I think you probably wouldn't even meet me cuz you always stay with your bf and you are scared of doing anything to lose him.
    She said yes.
    I was so upset but she often tells me how these kind of questions make her so upset as I feel like Iam the second choice.
    She also says it's hard to explain. She loves him but she loves me more and she never sees him as her future husband. She wants future with me. I trust her but it hurts me sometimes but I cant blame her as I always knew she is in relationship before we fall in love.

    But lately she became very busy.
    She can't come to see me or text me at morning anymore. she can't text me when she is going to her work in her bf's car with him. She texts me first time in a day at afternoon at lunch break.
    Then she sees me when she is at home and her bf is not at home.
    Then when he comes she goes off for 3-4 hours cooking him food and watch him playing xbox game.
    Then at night she comes when her bf is next room. Then she says good night and I know she doesnt sleep atleast 2-3 hours after saying good night.

    I told her that I don't want you to be with me all the time but atleast text me for onetime in 3-4 hours.

    We still managed to have great times in little time we meet. We had great days. I sometimes get sad that how she does sex with him almost everynight sleep with him hugging him him hugging her all naked and stuffs. But ugh Nvm.

    But recently her bf found out her game relationship. He yelled at her and almost broke up with her. But he thought deleting the game deleted everything
    So she stopped playing our game.
    She became more cautious. She only talks to me in kik messenger at lunch break. That's it.
    I miss her tooo much and she says she miss me alot aswel.
    I tell her why can't she install the game or play atall for even 10 mins in whole day. How come her bf can always keep eye on her. She understood I am suffering alot so she cried and she said she let me go for better one. I was so sad but I understood what's up and I left. Said Goodbye for the first time. She wanted to stay atleast good friend even tho she understands it will be hard for me. I said I can't be friend and I said thanks for the best times of my life and left.

    Miss her so much but never text her anymore.
    She mailed me 3 times yesterday saying she doesn't regret our good times. It may hurt but she said its better for me. She is making a sacrifice to let me go.

    then hours later she mailed me saying she is crying and she is missing me alot and she realised what she did. She wanted me to text her even for one time.
    She said please don't hate her. Its not what I think as it is. She said she didn't left me cuz she loves someone more than me she let me go as she thinks she is hurting me and as I said Iam tired of this. (Yes I said 2 days ago that Iam tired of this. Maybe she took that word as something big).

    Yesterday was the first day without her. It was so hard but at night I texted her in game saying how much I miss her and i wish she didnt left.
    Surprisingly she came in game for 30 mins. (how can she come in game now and before she couldn't? )
    She told me in game that she really regrets doing it and she misses me too much aswel. She said she can't stop thinking about me but she doesn't know what she want and she can't hurt me :/

    I didn't reply her anymore.
    I love her sooo much and now it's over even tho we both wants to be back together but I don't know what to do. Iam just trying to fade away.

    SO you have NOT met her in real life. Can I ask how old???
    She has a boyfriend that she has a relationship with mentally and physically.
    She is using you AND cheating on her boyfriend.

    Yes, you may have feelings for her, but how the heck could you be with someone who is with another guy still having sex and think that is ok????
    You may have some type of feelings for her. but they just cant be healthy. Do you honestly think she wont cheat on you or isn't doing it with other guys?

    You need to back the heck away from this type of toxic relationship. Talk to her AFTER she has her own life with no one else in it. She is hurting both you and her bf.

    Break all contact and stop being manipulated. This is wrong on so many levels.


      No we haven't yet.
      She's 19.

      I don't think it's okay and trust me it bothers me alot and she knows it. She always say it makes her upset when I ask her about her sex life. I thought I can't blame her because I knew she has someone. Also because she has someone it took really long time for us to actually start sexting.
      I never wanted to even fall for her or anyone at the moment :/
      But can't control the feelings when we fall for someone :$

      She isn't cheating on someone else at the moment as she hesitates but never hides stuffs to me even they can hurt me alot.

      She told me it's normal in finland to stay in relationship and live like husband wife. She said she can't leave her house and furnitures and all which she shares with her bf at this moment. Said it's hard to end a relationship of 4 years this suddenly and she never planned but fallen in love with me and said she planned future with me.

      But ya I guess you are true in every words you wrote here :/ it's so hard but I'll stop all communications with her.


        I was in a relationship for 14 years and had a child too.. I left my furniture, because that is not important. People and mental well being are.
        She is in a relationship with someone else, sex every night and snuggles with him. And she sexts with you. She is cheating on her bf with you.
        I understand you can't control feelings, you can control your actions.
        She needs to figure out who she wants to be with. And you need to meet her in person.


          I agree that it does unfortunately sound like she is cheating on her bf with you. I noticed in your original post that she said that she thinks of you as a second choice? Honestly, this relationship does not sound like it will go well. She is still with her bf, and being intimate with him while texting, and sexting you? I can see this ending in hurt. If she really wanted to pursue the relationship, she should've broke it off with her boyfriend before pursuing a relationship with you. I would be careful OP, and if you can, either cease communication or have a final talk with her? It is not right that she is doing this.


            OP, I have heard of people growing close over a game. But I do agree with others here. That she needs to decide who she wants.

            When my (ex)wife n' I, were dating. She started 'fooling around' with two other guys. I gave her an ultimatum. To choose one of them, or me. She chose me.

            First Visit: September 2016
            Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
            Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

            John 3:16
            For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
            John 4:12
            I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

