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My story. Trials and Triumphs (long post)

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    My story. Trials and Triumphs (long post)

    First off I want to apologize for this long post, I have had so much go on and I'll try to break this up into different sections, feel free to jump to any any of the sections. I'll try to keep it organized atleast. I also have a few questions/ things I'm struggling with which I will post in a different thread. This is just to give people a background and to introduce them to Tiffany.

    ***Meeting Tiffany***
    (Minor importantance, skip if you don't want to spend all night reading this)

    As previously mentioned in a recent thread of mine, I have had one relationship previously and it was also a LDR. It ended and left me very broken. I don't have many friends and when I lost my ex, my "angel" I was very alone. I had no one to talk to about how I felt or what I was going through (with the exception of this community). My mother tried to be there for me but it was hard to go to her for support when she had been wanting us to break up since day 1. So I escaped to the online world. I used a chatting app called "palringo" it's where I met my ex. I had stopped using it but after we broke up I went back to this app. I knew some people from here still and I just needed some one to talk to and to care about me. I have a lot of male and female friends there. Well this app is a group messaging app. And I was in a small group trying to meet new people when someone join this room. She looked exactly like my ex. I was upset and I left the chat. Well upon leaving I guess my absence was notice and one of the admin of that chat room I left messages me and asked if everything was okay. I explained the situation, how I had just broken up with this girl a month ago and how she looked just like her. The admin was very nice and said she understood as she also just broke up with her boyfriend. She asked the girl in the chat to change her profile picture and she did so I joined back. Well this admin continued to talk to me and I would tell her how I felt and we both became friends. Well this girl was really nice and she decided she wanted to make her own group. And she did. And she made me an admin. That's when things got crazy. The initial group I met her in was a new one. However it group fast (about 300 people). The leader of this group is what we call a "catfish" (don't ask me why it's called this). This person was using a fake name and a face profile picture and pretending to be someone else. This person did this and created this group all to befriend and lure in this admin (tiffany). This person has known her for 5 years and has been cyber stalking her. Idk if this person is male or female or what country they are from. But they bully, manipulate and bribe people to get pictures of Tiffany. Well they got their hands on a nude picture of her from an ex boyfriend she had. She was a minor in this picture. Years ago this stalker used to be friends of Tiffany until they posted and shared her nude in a chat group with 3000 people. Welllll..... This stalker revealed who they are to Tiffany and immediately she freaks out and leaves the chat. The stalker became so angry that she did not accept them as a friend that they posted her nude all over both the stalkers chat room and Tiffany's room. The stalker created and used about 20-30 alternative accounts to continually bombard her room with this picture. (We banned everyone that did it but more kept coming). I cried when I saw it. Tiffany was my friend. And I'm seeing this picture of her naked when she was just a child (17). I tried so hard to stop the attacks. I contacted the support for the app and eventually the person (the stalker) had the IP connection of their phone blocked and all accounts banned from the app. But the damage was done. Many people claimed to be Tiffany's friend, but they were either just alternative accounts from the stalker or they chose to side with the stalker and join in the attack. Tiffany trusted no one except me. I tried to be there for her. I was a friend to her. She banned everyone from her room and it was just the two of us left. Slowly we invited new people to the room and things were okay.

    I have a big heart and I really cared about her. We exchanged more contact information and she invited me to play her favorite video game with her. She was my friend and I began to have stronger feelings for her and I knew she had them about me.

    ***The start of our relationship***

    We talked about our feelings and she said she wanted to take things slowly and that she was not ready to start dating but that we can get to know each other more personally.

    I was afraid of being hurt again. But I really cares about her. We took it slow at first. We texted daily, almost continually. I have exchanged about 10,000 texts a week with her since I met her in August.

    We talked about my ex a lot and she told me her life story. Tiffany struggles with the worst anxiety I have ever seen or heard of. She has had one physical bf and she dated him through highschool and she got pregnant and had an abortion. He cheated on her and dumped her. Tiffany has had many online boyfriends (shes 23 years old and has not had a physical boyfriend since she was 18). After her bf broke up with her when she was 18, she hid away from the wold and escaped to video games. She would sell nudes of herself to finance this addiction. I told her all about my situation and history too, it was important to her that each other knew everything.

    I don't hate her or judge her for anything and we moved forward with the relationship.

    Tiffany is from Pennsylvania.

    ***our first meeting***

    I really was falling for her even though I was trying to take it slow. I was scared because of how much my last LDR hurt. I didn't want to wait years to see her. I spoke to her and she said she wanted to see me too. Her family did not know about me. She said she was not ready to tell them, she has had so many guys interested in her and she just wanted to make sure I'm not going to betray her and she wanted to get to know me better before they knew.

    My parents don't approve of me dating especially long distance (super religious). So I told them I was going to stay over night at a friend's house and that I have to work. I drove 650 miles that night and I got to PA early in the afternoon. Tiffany works at a theater and the idea was that I was going to go to the theater and when she got to work I would see her and then I would watch a movie and after work I would spend some time with her.

    She was do cute. She came into work with a sub sandwich. A cookie and an ice tea for me. I was super nervous, we exchanged an awkward hug and she went to work. I was shaking and freaking out. She was real and I just got a hug! Having never had a physical relationship before, I didn't know what to do and I was awkward beyond awkward. After work she came out and we sat on the curb talking. I was shaking in the night air (this was November 16th) mostly from nerves but a little from the cold. She gave me a hard time for being so awkward but it was okay. She said my awkwardness helped her anxiety. I am the only person she has met from online and visa versa.

    After sitting a while we got into my car and were just sitting there. She have me a stuffed bear and we held hands. I hugged her again, there was a lot of hugging and our faces were close to each other and I was shaking so bad and so nervous. And I whispered in her ear "can I?" She nods her head and I kiss her, the most awkward kiss on the planet but it was my first kiss ever. We were not sloppy making out or anything like that, it was just a beautiful and simple kiss which lasted for 5 hours. I drove her home and dropped her off, I guess her parents thought I was one of her co-workers. I saw her again the next day, she went to the park and I met her there. We talked and kissed (still super awkward) and took a few pictures of each other together. She had to go and I needed to drive back to Maine. It was hard to say goodbye.

    I told my parents about her and they were livid. I kinda disregarded them and did what ever, I was upset they would not support me and my decisions. In December I went down and saw her again. I was there for about 4 days. I didn't not get to see her everyday because she did not want her parents to know about me but it was good to see her when I did.

    In January my family kicked me out of the house because I chose tiffany over them aperently.

    ***closing the distance***

    The second week of February I moved to Pennsylvania. I got a job here and it has been a rough life.

    She wanted to tell her parents about me, but she said that they could never know I met her online because they would disown her aperently. I would have to "meet her for the first time" in PA some how. It has been very frustrating, I only get to see her like once a week or 2 weeks. I have actually met her family but they don't know that I know Tiffany. I hate the lies and deception and its really frustrating.

    This pretty much brings me up to date. I've been here since and they still don't know about me.

    I've had some troubles with housing situations and money and knowing where my next meal is coming from but I survive.

    Feel free to ask questions.
    Thanks you all,
    As I previously mentioned I'll write another thread about some of the things I'm struggling with.

    Bittersweet to read this. Happy you found someone but sad that your family has kicked you out. Hopefully things get easier for you soon.


      Originally posted by Redheart14 View Post
      Bittersweet to read this. Happy you found someone but sad that your family has kicked you out. Hopefully things get easier for you soon.
      OP, I second what they said.

      My family didn't kick me out when they found out I met someone online. The woman does have a 'history'. But my response was that nobody is perfect. Yes, I know. That sounds naive. But the four years with her. Were better than the four years with my (ex)wife. My (ex)wife n' I met locally. Local isn't always' best.

      First Visit: September 2016
      Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
      Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

      John 3:16
      For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
      John 4:12
      I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

