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Never thought you'd love....?

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    That's an awesome question - and I couldn't help smiling when I saw the responses.. funny how one's outlook on things can change with a person.

    As for me, I never thought I could fall for the younger brother of one of my former best friends
    I'd actually known him for quite a few years - I mean, we were part of the same roleplaying team 7 years ago.. and at times I'd see him at parties for mutual friends until I left for New Zealand in 2008. he was a nice guy, but that was it!

    Then, while I was away, we started facebook'ing once in a while, and when I returned in August 2009 we suddenly started hanging out in the same small group of friends. But still, I never thought of him as more than a friend..
    Also, I'd always had a thing for "edgy" guys - you know - the loud, cheeky, self-confident (slightly arrogant?) types that aren't afraid of taking control of the "party" so to speak. Dunno why, though.. they're always the ones getting bored in a relationship and end up cheating on you.

    - And DBF is NOTHING like that.. So he had quite a few odds against him being the sweet, gentleman-like younger brother of a friend..
    Poor baby -- since (apparently) he'd been crushing on me on and off for years, even before I went traveling, and after, when we finally started hanging out..

    Around March 2010, people around us started noticing a change in us that even WE didn't - and innocent flirting turned into serious cuddly business, until May where it was finally official.

    So, fate sure works in mysterious ways.. but I don't mind. 'Cause I have the sweetest, cutest, most thoughtful young Jim Carrey-look-alike boyfriend you could ask for


      All of my past boyfriends have been big party guys. I enjoy going and having fun a lot too, so I never thought I'd ever fall in love with someone who doesn't enjoy the party scene. Now, when we're together, we spend time in... cooking, cuddling on the couch, watching scary movies. I enjoy it even more than I enjoy going out. I never expected that.

      "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
      - A. A. Milne


        I hate to be the cliche but....
        Brian really is everything I imagined I'd have in a guy. taller than me but not by much (he's 5'8" and I'm 5'2") daaaark hair, dark eyes and pale. glasses, not massive, not skinny, not overly muscley. perfect. <3
        he gets my nerdy-ness and doesn't criticize my hippie-ness. he's doesn't care what anyone thinks and ALWAYS tells me I'm beautiful, and that he loves me. AND I believe it. he's also very romantic
        not only that, but he just.... gets me. he finishes my sentences, we say things at the same time. it's never "I don't get what you're saying" but always "I know exactly what you mean." we can relate to each other. he is, essentially, me with a penis.


          I never thought I'd love someone who looks like my SO does, but that doesn't bother me. He's hawt, just in a different way to how I thought my perfect man would be! I also never thought I'd be in a relationship, long distance, with someone I met over Animal Crossing!! Crazy stuff. I also never thought I'd lie so much to my parents XD


            The biggest difference between what I'd imagined through my younger years and now is I'd always thought I'd end up with a guy who's very dark skinned, a Latino of some sort or black. I'd 'dated' a few guys that I never had any interest in that me and my best friend always joke and describe as 'pasty, white guys'. I just sort of assumed that I'd eventually go for someone with darker skin. Imagine my surprise when I finally saw my boyfriend's photo and saw that he was white! And cute at that!. Haha, my friend and I still joke that because he's Italian he's not THAT pasty and white, but I really couldn't care less now

            Another small thing was that I had always assumed whoever I dated would be older than me. It's just sort of a given that I think alot of girls take for granted, but nope, he's almost a whole year younger! Eek!

            However those are really the only two things I can really think of that are different. Otherwise he really is everything what I'd hoped for-dark hair and dark eyes, taller than me, not super twiggy and a dork just like me. In other words, totally perfect


              Originally posted by noodle View Post
              the fact that he isnt perfect makes him perfect for me
              Love that, noodle!!

              I have a distinct memory of one of my friends telling me I should "just find some tall dark and handome Scottish guy to marry" because I was obsessed with moving to Scotland when I grew up... we were maybe 7 or 8 years old, and it was a pretty funny joke... little did I know that was exactly what I'd do, LOL!

              In the interim I'd dated all type of guys, but always figured it would be one of the quiet nerdy super-smart guys to steal my heart by talking about books with me... My SO is nothing like that, he was the popular guy in school and spent most of his teens/early 20's on the club scene- the total opposite of me and my imagined Mr Right!
              I am a writer, and I had a little pseudo-crush on the sexy 'bad boy' character in one of my books-- when my SO friended me on facebook it was the first time I saw what he looked like, and I jumped out of the chair- he was the REAL LIFE exact image of my hottie character!!! How perfect, lol! Apparently in my mind I knew exactly what I wanted
              We collided and fell out of nothingness... scattering stars like dust


                Well honestly lol I never really had an ideal in mind. I guess in a way I never thought I would find "the one" so why bother imagining what he would look like?
                When I found my SO he created my ideal image so everything about him is perfectly what I want. <3 I guess I'm lucky?
                No one else will do, I need my SO and only my SO! <3
                Met: 2.20.10
                Started Dating: 4.22.10
                Been an LDR since: 4.22.10
                First time meeting irl: 6.28.10 - 7.18.10
                Last time I saw my SO: 9.16.10 - 9.22.10
                Closed the Distance: 10.9.10

