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The infamous question: "HOW can you handle THAT?!"

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    I haven't been asked that much but I usually yell people it works out really well because our relationship is all communication and more importantly we have plans to meet up. And it actually has been mostly easy. Sure we both have our hard days, but for the most part I never really feel like I'm alone. I'd say I actually felt more lonely in my previous marriage. On top of that I feel like I communicate better with my online friends than irl/closed distance friends. It's probably because I'm very introverted and in general I have a hard time saying what I actually mean face to face.

    On that note, our first time meeting us in 3 days and we'll be spending an entire month together! I don't think waiting has ever been so hard (one year about, maybe a bit more!). I'm having some anxiety over how the dynamics of this relationship will change. We're kinda tossing around ideas for when we see each other again but nothings set at all yet (and it probably shouldn't be, that isn't a complaint by any means). In any case I feel like it's going to only get harder from here. I hope I'm wrong!

