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Need some opinons

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    Need some opinons

    Hey all, I want to share my story and get some feedback.

    I’m going to try to summarise as much as possible, otherwise this will be a novel! Some of you may remember me/my story. Thanks ahead of time!

    Over 3 years ago I met a girl, I’m also a girl. We met online, it was great. I loved her a lot and always enjoyed getting to meet up and spending time together in person.
    The only problem we had, I say only, but it was a huge problem, is that she wasn’t accepting of her sexuality.
    She was unable to accept that at the least she was bisexual, this caused her a lot of stress because having come from a strict religious family, she felt like she would bring immense shame on to her family, especially her parents who were very active members in their Jewish community. Her mum had been known to comment on so and so’s son who came out gay or felt “sorry” for a friend because her daughter had married a non Jew.

    Anyway we dated on and off for 2.5 years. What we had together was amazing, she was everything I had ever wanted. Between us, we’ve travelled to 60 + countries, she’s so smart she’s a doctor, I’m a lawyer, and we had the majority of the same views and opinions.
    I think its fair to say I’ve never loved or wanted someone as much as I wanted her.

    However –
    We broke up a few times, when the guilt of our relationship got too much for her, she found it difficult.
    She loved me but I think now in hindsight I can tell that she didn’t give me her all because she couldn’t see a future with me. Because I went against everything she was raised to believe.

    We used to argue because I wanted more. I wanted her to accept us but it just wasn’t happening.
    The final straw happened about 6 months ago. We broke up and as painful as it was I moved on.
    I told myself I had to because there’s nothing more I can offer this girl, she has to figure things out alone and I’m not the gender she wants then theres not much I can do. I guess I realised, if she cant accept who she is then she won’t accept me.
    I also reached a point where I had nothing more to give. I’d tried my absolute hardest to show her how much I loved her and what she would lose. But it wasn’t enough.

    So as I said I decided its time to put myself first- the first couple months I partied too hard, then I had a great family vacation, then I started focussing on myself and just getting myself to the best place I can.
    At the start we would message once every week or two but that soon faded to zero communication for around 7 weeks.

    I also met someone, we both aren’t looking for anything serious, just someone to hang out with, have fun with but its not serious. Although I would usually never recommend a rebound or using someone as a distraction, me being honest about my situation makes me feel better.

    Anyways the ex text me, we shared a few messages a couple weeks ago, she then text me again last week, again we messaged a little. She admitted she missed me and that she forgot how funny I was.
    I asked her if she was seeing someone, she said yes. I said me too.

    We then talked on the phone and it was just a general catch up.

    It turns out that her current partner is a girl. Until this point I had been the only girl she’d been with and the only person she’d admitted her feelings to. Since we’ve broken up, she’s come out to her family and has made a lot of changes.

    I then told her that I needed time to work out how I felt about her dating a girl and that although I have no right to tell her what to do, I can control how things affect me and I needed time to work out if I wanted to be friends with her, if it was indeed something that would benefit me. Or would it sting too much that she now has a gf ( I just want to clarify I expected her to be in a relationship or have moved on but with a man)

    I asked for space to think things over, she text me the next say asking how I was. I didn’t reply, she then sent me a long apology message. I asked her what she wants, she said she loved me and can finally allow herself to see a future with me. She only wants me and has actually confided in her mum about me and our past relationship.

    I told her that I find it absurd that she thinks she can lay this all on me especially whilst having a gf.
    Last night we spoke again, and she admits she messed up. Even before we talked openly she told me her gf is a very casual thing, it sort of sounds like she has the same thing I have. She told me its me she thinks of constantly, even when with her.
    And some of the things she mentions I agree with completely. Like we can literally talk about everything, we never get sick of each other, she respects my opinions and finds me very interesting. All things, shes not getting from her current gf.
    So her mess up is, she feels as though she should have got things in order on her end before reaching out to me. She leaves her current job in less than a month and had already planned on ending things with her gf when she moves. When we talked a little, she said she just felt like she couldn’t not tell me any longer.
    She had to tell me that she loves me and wants me back, she knew how upset this relationship made me towards the end and she had to tell me how she felt.

    Am I being stupid?
    She told me, that she wants to get things in order and then beg for me back because she finally realises how I’m the right one for her.

    What do you guys think?

    I remember you and your story, I think I also remember you not liking my advice about how some obstacles, like religion, can't always be overcome Are you being stupid? I don't think I'd say that, maybe naive and in love, but stupid is kind of strong. I'd want to know, really know, how she decided she could come out for a casual fling, but never could for you before I entertained even a friendship.

    If it were me, I wouldn't go back, she's put you through this just too many times, but if you do, you should consider setting a personal ultimatum with yourself, and firmly decide just how much more you're willing to take, and stick with it. You've already started moving on, and I personally feel her doing this is really unfair to you. Every time you make progress, she pops back in, you know? Also, she wants you, is leaving her job, and ending things with her current girlfriend in a month, right? Well, why isn't she ending it NOW, if she loves you? If you're the one, why does she still have current gf hanging in the background? I feel a bit bad for that girl and it makes me wonder about someone's ethics when they do that, but that could just be me.

    It's your choice, but make it logically, not emotionally. And if you do chose to start up a relationship again, you really do need to very firmly promise yourself that this is your last ride on this see-saw. Good luck.
    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


      Originally posted by Moon View Post
      I remember you and your story, I think I also remember you not liking my advice about how some obstacles, like religion, can't always be overcome Are you being stupid? I don't think I'd say that, maybe naive and in love, but stupid is kind of strong. I'd want to know, really know, how she decided she could come out for a casual fling, but never could for you before I entertained even a friendship.

      If it were me, I wouldn't go back, she's put you through this just too many times, but if you do, you should consider setting a personal ultimatum with yourself, and firmly decide just how much more you're willing to take, and stick with it. You've already started moving on, and I personally feel her doing this is really unfair to you. Every time you make progress, she pops back in, you know? Also, she wants you, is leaving her job, and ending things with her current girlfriend in a month, right? Well, why isn't she ending it NOW, if she loves you? If you're the one, why does she still have current gf hanging in the background? I feel a bit bad for that girl and it makes me wonder about someone's ethics when they do that, but that could just be me.

      It's your choice, but make it logically, not emotionally. And if you do chose to start up a relationship again, you really do need to very firmly promise yourself that this is your last ride on this see-saw. Good luck.

      Moon I don’t remember a specific comment you made that I didn’t like hearing but I know you are probably right. Its always difficult to hear something you don’t want to.
      I just want to make sure I’m doing everything on my end to try and look out for myself

      I definitely asked her why she came out to her family because of a casual fling. Her answer was, she did it for herself. She did it right when we broke up and it was nothing to do with the gf. She said it was because it was the right time for her. She argued a good point that, she doesn’t want to do it for anyone but herself.

      My dilemma I guess is that, I knew I would never take her back until things changed – she came out and started accepting who she is. I NEVER thought she would do either of these things, but she has.

      In terms of the girlfriend, she’s already talking to her this week and ending things. However after our call last night I told her that I didn’t want to play any part in her relationship, I didn’t want to know the specifics. My dad cheated on my mum and I just made it clear, keep me out of this.
      I told her to hit me up when things are better. As I mentioned, she feels she messed up by opening up to me too soon and she should have waited until things were better her end.


        I remember your story too. Honestly, I'd have to agree with Moon. I remember thinking to myself, when reading your posts, that she was being so unfair to you.

        You are not her Yo-Yo. She can't just bring you in and push you away as she sees fit. Everything is not about her, and it's not on only her terms. Relationships are give and take, 50/50. Also, you can not let her push you around and torture you.

        How do we know she won't push you away? Again?


          Originally posted by whatruckus View Post
          I remember your story too. Honestly, I'd have to agree with Moon. I remember thinking to myself, when reading your posts, that she was being so unfair to you.

          You are not her Yo-Yo. She can't just bring you in and push you away as she sees fit. Everything is not about her, and it's not on only her terms. Relationships are give and take, 50/50. Also, you can not let her push you around and torture you.

          How do we know she won't push you away? Again?

          i don't know, I'm just finding it difficult to ignore the fact that she has changed or at least started to change things that were our main problem.
          How can I ignore that she's fixing the problem ?


            You can't ignore it.... But maybe set some rules or expectations? So can you meet her family now? What does she want to see happen in the future? And you? Maybe have a real heart to heart...maybe start dating again?


              Originally posted by S41r4 View Post
              i don't know, I'm just finding it difficult to ignore the fact that she has changed or at least started to change things that were our main problem.
              How can I ignore that she's fixing the problem ?
              Everyone's been spot on so far, so I'm not gonna parrot what they've been saying. What I will say is that you don't have to ignore that she's fixing the problem. Lots of people change after a relationship, and I find it's actually important to acknowledge when they do. So, regardless of whether you choose to try to pursue her again, be happy for her that she's taking the initiative to make these changes. Just wish her well.

