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Parents which disaprove...

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    Parents which disaprove...

    I'm Patrick, I have just recently went into a relationship with my lovely girl a couple of months ago and have been enjoying every minute of it (besides the distance haha). However my parents don't approve of this relationship. I have been called an idiot and delusional.
    I know they want to protect me from my own failing but I want to try and make this work. Me and my partner fully understand what is lay ahead of us and its going to be a hard long journey but we both want to give it a go. We both want to try.
    My parents continue to tell me that we are both young and have no idea want we are doing (I'm 22, she is turning 18), we have no idea about life and what it is about. It hurts to hear these things from my parents as they just assume me as a child, an idiot son. When I told them I want to go visit my partner at the end of the year they almost lost their minds at which I had to drop the subject and walk away. How can I prove to them that we are trying to make this work, how can I get them to understand. I do love them but they are not allowing me to stand on my own to feet give it a go weather it would fail or success.
    If any one could I would love for some advice on this topic because I'm not allowing my parents to get in between us

    With Regards

    Stop trying to prove anything to them, it's your life and date who you want. Hopefully through seeing you do your thing and be happy they ll get over it eventually. If my mom had listened to what my grandma though she'd never got married, but it's not really for anyone else to decide


      I agree with Snow_girl. You are an adult, why do they have to approve of your relationship? I'm sure they just don't understand LDRs and they just want what's best for you. My sister told me my relationship was just a phase and an easy way of having a relationship...We are now married and my wife lives with me in Canada. Eventually if they see that it's a REAL relationship, they may come around.

      "True love isn't about being inseparable; it’s about two people being true to each other even when they are separated."
      Married April 18th, 2015!!
      Distance Closed October 4th, 2015!!


        As someone of a similar age to you, my parents constantly have differing and conflicting opinions about my relationship with my SO, but at the end of the day I am a capable adult who has the ability to make decisions for herself. If I tried to please them with everything, I wouldn't get anywhere, because my dad is a close-minded asshole when he wants to be (don't get me wrong, I do love him but he drives me up the wall) and my mum is much more open-minded, but found it difficult to comprehend my LDR was anything more than a "thing" that would happen for awhile. It's been over a year and so far so good. My advice is just follow your own path. Mum and Dad can give you good advice, but at the end of the day, it's your life not theirs.


          Welcome to LFAD!
          If you are being totally supported by your parents (food, rent, etc) you do have to accept their rules. That doesn't mean not being in an means communicating and hopefully gaining their support. Try having them meet your SO over Skype or even letting her parents get to know your might become more real for your family. Best wishes.


            I might have a similar scenario, I'm just talking to a girl right now but we're not in a relationship. I know my parents would disapprove of me having a LDR with someone because firstly their close-minded and in the past I was sort of in a LDR with someone which they found out 'cause I announced it on Facebook and secondly because they start telling me if the person is not real/fake, they might scam me etc..

            Recently I spoke with a friend of mine and I opened up telling him that I would like to go and visit her and hopefully in the future I would go and arrange to live where she lives but he started telling me the same things if she's not real even though I told him that I see her on Skype and I assured him that she is not fake. Alas he told me that the relationship because there is nothing physical to it, than finding a girl in my own country and be with her. I still disagree because I know LDRs can work out from what I've read on the Internet. Apart from that, it is one of my main reasons why I want to leave this country and because I don't think like people do in my country their all close-minded, and still live like their living the old days. I want to leave, go somewhere new where no one knows who I am and start over a new life.

            I also wanted to say that my parents don't approve of me being with someone who already has a child which in fact the girl I'm talking to has a 3 year old son and in the past I was with a girl, who lives in the same country as I do, that had a less than a 1 year old son and my parents hell while I was with her and I had to break it up. :/ I don't want the same to happen with this girl, I really want this to work out and I don't care if I have to leave this place to do that..

            Can someone give me some feedback or suggestions as regards to what I have just written please?
            Last edited by Metjuw; June 29, 2016, 02:31 PM.
            • “The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.” — Helen Keller
            • “If ever there is tomorrow when we’re not together. There is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart… I’ll always be with you.”
            • “Distance means so little when someone means so much.”

