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Missing Him more after seeing him then before...

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    Missing Him more after seeing him then before...

    So it had been two months since Daniel moved 6hrs away. I was doing fine, we talk every day and send pictures. Well I made my first visit last Wednesday, and stayed for 5 days. As soon as i pulled out of the driveway I lost it.. and now that I'm back home and back to school/work, I can't get back to feeling ok. I feel depressed all day just thinking of him and how good it felt to be with him.. Does this ever get easier with time?

    I think it comes and goes for all of us. Take it one day at a time. There will always be good, bad, and in between days. Just keep moving forward and put your energy into making it the best ldr it can be. Work with what you got, you know?


      Awww... I know the feeling exactly! It's just that you're reminded of how much you really love him and want to be with him- that's not a bad thing at all! It does get easier, I promise. Those feelings never really go away completely, but you will find that it's not so hard or doesn't last so long the more times you visit and leave.


        YA we get this too i still will never forget getting out of my girls car at the airport and kissing her one last time and her telling me to just leave so she could just go cry, i wouldnt say it gets easier with time you just learn how to coop bettter with it, but your not alone i promise all these people on here get like this!


          OMG... I have had this problem every single time I have had to part ways with Kyle at an airport. The first time we both were trying not to cry... second we didnt have time to do anything (we slept in) so i had to run out of the car and race to my gate... totally broke down on the plane. This last time we were both crying before he even boarded.. we got lucky and the guy who checked him in gave me a pass to go back to the gate with him. It was bittersweet because we had just gotten engaged. I didnt want to leave him yet. Everything was surreal. But knowing I will be with him again keeps me holding on as tight as i can.


            What a terrible feeling! Parting is always hearthbreaking. I can't cope with it too well too. All I can say is that when the days passes by it will get better, and then you will see him again!


              I always cry at the airport when Andy's leaving, I'm fairly ok when I drive home but the feeling when I walk through my front door into my empty house and can still smell him and feel him eveywhere, it's just horrible and I usually just sit on my sofa an cry for like an hour, after that it gets a little better and after a few days I'm usually wuite ok and back to normal.

              After the summer when we spent 2 months together and I got home after he left I just kept myself constantly busy and didn't think about the fact he's gone but I ended up being really depressed for about 1,5 months after that, whenever I chatted with him I just got so sad and down and he couldn't do anything to make me feel better. I didn't do any housework, I didn't make food or clean, I jjust literatully spent my days sitting on my sofa and staring at the walls.

              So I definitely prefer letting it all out at once cause after that you can start over and you can start planning your next meeting and get on with your own life until you're together again. It's better to be sad for a day or 2 or even a week than trying to bottle it up and be totally miserable for months, trust me, I know lol.

              In time it WILL get better, I promise.


                There'd be something really wrong in your relationship if you weren't sad/crying.
                We always make sure we have our next visit planned before the current one ends. It's so much better if you know what you'll have to hold out for and when you'll see each other again.


                  You're not alone with this - the goodbye is always the hardest part about LDRs. I hate having to fly back home, because after I've parted with him I just cry uncontrollably and it's not very fun to do that on a 10-hour flight, especially when I can't sleep. ><

                  The first few weeks are never easy, but it will get better the closer you get to the next visit. Just try to stay strong, it's worth the pain!


                    Yeah, leaving her was so painful. I broke down at the airport which was delayed AND I was stuck in Brazil, so close and yeah... I couldn't call either, cause my cell was blocked right that day! It was horrible... The flights were not good either. When I got back, well, this entire week I slept late (around 4-6 AM) and I still have this gut feeling, which feels horrible. It's like I'm missing home. In fact I didn't miss my family much at all, but one 3 week visit to her and I am homesick for the first time in my life...

                    I know I'll manage... but it does hurt a lot. I do hope it gets easier. I need my strength for lots of things, haha. I always can't wait for her to arrive and get online... I really, really need her, haha. But okay! She's coming in July. A long time, but not too long. With that in mind, I think I felt a bit better when she said she would buy the tickets soon.

                    YAY FOR SEEING THE ONE YOU LOVE! NAY FOR.. the sad moments after... AND YAY FOR MEETING AGAIN!

                    Have a nice day,

                    Adia, you're on my mind and in my heart...


                      I think absolutely everyone struggles with this. Though my boyfriend never says he misses me etc, so I can't speak from a male perspective sadly

                      It comes and goes, as people have already said. One day you will be the lowest of the low, the next day you will be fine!

                      Sometimes I go through phases where I doubt myself and the relationship - but then I say to myself "Would I prefer to lose him forever, or have him - but XXX miles away?" The latter wins every single time. Can't imagine the thought of not waking up and knowing he's in my life, can't imagine him not msging me, can't imagine the thought of never seeing each other again.



                        Originally posted by uk_girl View Post
                        I think absolutely everyone struggles with this. Though my boyfriend never says he misses me etc, so I can't speak from a male perspective sadly
                        Sometimes I go through phases where I doubt myself and the relationship - but then I say to myself "Would I prefer to lose him forever, or have him - but XXX miles away?" The latter wins every single time.
                        He does miss you as well, men just have a different way of dealing with it. They dont dwell on how they feel, they are more positive you could say :S
                        Try putting your focus on your next meeting.

                        Oh! and for the phases thing, everyone goes struggles with that as well. I tried breaking up with my boy once as well because coward me it was the easiest thing but he convinced me not to and I am sooo glad he did!
                        Enamorada de ti!!


                          It's totally normal to break down crying. When it happens to me, it's usually the feeling of unfairness. We normally get about a weekend together when we do see each other, so it feels like we just got to see each other and we're being separated again. Usually, it's me breaking down, just because I don't want her to go. It kills us, but we know we have to go.

                          It helps to think that soon, we'll be together forever. It might not help right away, but it does ease the pain a little bit.
                          National Novel Writing Month Participant- 2010, 2011, 2012
                          National Novel Writing Month Winner- 2010, 2011, 2012

                          Current Writing Project: Wait Until Next Year

