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Should I continue or break with her? I need advices, thanks

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    Should I continue or break with her? I need advices, thanks

    First of all I want to say thanks in advance, also I Want to say that English is not my mother tongue so it's probably I'd have some mistakes.

    This is my first LDR so far, and I need some advice about to continue with her or break up and if she really want to be with me or she's just being with me but also with others and she doesn't love me as much as she said and if she's playing with me.., Well here's my story...

    Well, I met this girl 3 months ago by an app. She's from the United States and I'm from Spain. Since the beginning we had strong connection and we liked each other. We started talking every day, every hour, every time we could, even in the middle of her works she tried to talk to me. Despite the times zones (9 hours of difference) I used to stay awake until the morning and she used to wake up earlier just to talk with me. Everything was great, was perfect, even she talked to her friends about me and posted some pictures of mine in her Instagram, she doesn't care about what people could think about liking someone too much far away. We used to had some details as a writings, long writings while the other was sleeping, pictures and other stuff.

    As all LDR we also had our problems, our little fights but I think at least by my part we solved, we faced them and fixed them. But We had two so bad bad weeks after that, we could fixed and then everything started being okay again. Well, after 5 days about that more or less she started being weird and distance again, she wasn't cheesy, she was cold and avoiding me, answering me the less she could and always cold I tried to continue being cute and cheesy but I get tired so I decided talk with her. In summary she told me that she hasn't in a good moment, she was a mess and I didn't deserve the mess she was in that moment, but I also said that I love her and I will be here for her supporting. So again we had some bad days, but after some weeks she started being cute and cheesy again and I talked with her and she told me that she doesn't want to lose me, and she would tried to be the same girl as the begging.

    She did it, more or less everything was going to be like at the beginning, but not quite.

    And here are some of my doubts and let me see what do you think

    She's cute, cheese and nice but for example we don't talk as much as we used to do at the beginning(but I guess this is normal, because after a time you reduce the intensity of the conversation). Also we don't make skype anymore, she continue sending me pictures and videos, and sometimes we say to make skype but we never do..., in addition she doesn't publish nothing about me or show me conversation talking to her friends about me as she used to do, I still continue doing, showing her, but I had the sense that she's hiding me..

    Also there's something! We use to talk by snapchat okay? For example, sometimes she snap something or start liking some people pictures on Instagram and she doesn't answer me till the next day. I mean, I know times zones are hard, but you have time to snap and every stuff and you just can't put me a simple hello? I always tried to answer her first of all! Then how can she tell me she loves me or she mess me when she can be more than a day without talking to me?
    Other thing, sometimes I see some girls (I didn't say before, but we are lesbians xd), well, as I was saying sometimes I see some girls commenting her pictures of Instagram for example the other girl put her "how about come over her and kiss me? And she answered "". And I told to her and she told me that she doesn't talk with her, she just get surprised about that comment and she doesn't know what to say to her, but I'm suspicious I don't know..

    I use to see her Tumblr and she always post like if she was single and here's the point, we are not together officially, both of us can talk or be with other people, but we have to be honestly each other. I'm not being with other girls because I want to be with her, only. And anyway she always get jealous or angry when a girl tries to flirt with me she always start like you're mine. I'm your wife. Your girlfriend. So, I don't know, we are not officially but we act like if we were in some way

    So here's my story more or less, so let me know what do you think? Does she really love me? Or she's just playing with me and laying to me?
    I'm so fucked up about this situation, I was planning go to visit her in January but I need to be secure and know that her feelings are also reals..

    So tell me an advice I need some help

    Thank you for reading all, and sorry about my English grammar..