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Communication issues

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    Communication issues

    Hi everyone. My boyfriend and I get along great, for the majority of the time. However there are moments, where we have small disagreeing opinions.
    For example, today, I was talking about how interesting nebulas are (I'm a science nerd, I love that stuff). And he said that he didn't want to talk about it. I asked if he knew what they were. This was a harmless question - I know that the educations systems in the UK and the US are different, so I didn't even know if they were taught about that kind of stuff. He got annoyed, and thought that I was implying that he was stupid, and ignored me for over an hour.

    When he returned, he told me that he was annoyed, but didn't want to talk about it anymore. Communication is immensely important in an LDR, in my opinion. So I wanted to know why he was annoyed, so it could be avoided in the future. He says that he doesn't like talking about stuff like that. This worries me, as I'm afraid that every little tiny disagreement that we have will be bottled up, and just deteriorate.

    What can I do about this communication barrier? I can't move past conflicts without talking about them, and coming to a mutual understanding, or I feel like the problem never really goes away. But he can't do this, he prefers to just pretend as if it never happened.