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new to LDR, barely any communication from him?

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    new to LDR, barely any communication from him?

    We have been only dating a month (yeah I know really short, but I felt a real connection). He only left a couple days ago and we have been texting everyday, but he does drop from the convo or take many hours to respond (he did this as well when we 1st started dating). He told me he missed me just the other day. We are close to being exclusive, he actually asked me, but I told him we should wait for a little longer. He told me he would wait as long as that decision takes. Both of us are not seeing anyone else and I will soon be making a decision based on how we get on together long distance.

    I am not jealous thinking he is w/another girl, I just don't want to get involved w/a guy that isn't interested in me. Is this lack of comm a bad sign? He was the one who told me he would text/call/skype etc as right now his schedule is open. Also could it be he is just busy seeing people he hasn't seen in awhile? by the way he isn't that great of texter to begin w/, when he wouldn't text me, I got concerned he lost interest. When I would see him his full attention was on me and we one date spent nearly 1/2 a day together. I can tell you having texts go answered or getting a response 1/2 day later really sucks esp when you don't get to see each other. Should I voice my concern? Please don't hate this is my 1st LDR and the 1st guy I have opened up to since my ex. I just want to know if I should just let it go before I invest anymore.

    He has been in a LDR and he was apparently the one who made the effort and she got tired of it.

    In a normal work week, not responding for 1/2 a day could be he is a responsable adult working.

    Also, you are the one putting him on hold, saying you are not exclusive yet.
    I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
    - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

    "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


      At the moment he is not working (in process of getting settled), plus I am actually holding off on making him my bf to see how interested he is in me.


        Testing someone to see how much they want to be with you is a good way to have things backfire. If you both want to try to make it work - then you do it together. You are honest about your feelings and about what each other wants and expects from the relationship.
        To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

        ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


          Ask him how interested he is, then. Why play with him? Why not adress this like an open adult? He might want to commit, but you are pushing him away by playing coy - It's very counterproductive. Lay your cards open, and ask him to do the same.

          It'll take a lot more than words and guns
          A whole lot more than riches and muscle
          The hands of the many must join as one
          And together we'll cross the river


            I have asked him how interested he was before he left and he did point out that he was very interested in taking this to a more serious level.


              Ok, so you know where he stands. If you are truly interested, then say so and decide together how you want things to proceed. But if you keep playing this game, he may walk away.
              To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

              ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


                Yeah, then why not commit, and take this another step? Are you scared, or what else is preventing you from doing it?

                It'll take a lot more than words and guns
                A whole lot more than riches and muscle
                The hands of the many must join as one
                And together we'll cross the river

