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Is soulmate true with ldr?

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    Is soulmate true with ldr?

    Hi. My story's not new to others, I guess.this guy was my old schoolmate wayback 22years ago.he had his own family life and struggles while I had my simple single life. 1 day he approached me not remembering who he was then until a few minutes. We exchanged our first meet greetings after 22 years. Late that I know he has been married and got kids but now living all by himself.,separated status. We exchanged messages,texting and calling. Then,1day he decided to fetch me.i wondered why he was so eager at first, he was patient too,to be able to wait for more than I think he is apt to something special. I am in my late 30's, so I thought maybe he wanted me to go out with him,intimately. So, just because I've been in no relationship for almost 6 years,I've decided to go out with him..he was caring.and gentleman,,. Tricks that makes my guards down.i just decided that I went with him on a closed door. Then it happened. It was sweet.i love it.but I'm puzzled of myself.because I am not sure why I let it happened. I was troubled with my own feelings and doubt..he sent me home.gave me a kiss on my lips as we part ways but he left a word.."this is not the last.we will see each other again". Makes my brows raised. We continued exchanging messages
    Communication continued.then next time I realized we just went over with the closed door, once a week..and we enjoyed each other's company.we started to be bold and crazy. He entrust his bare soul to me..and so was was like having a second glorious life with each other.he came at the right time,and he said "he found me".then I just woke up that I'm missing everything about starting to bare my soul.started to cook for him,and giving him time.
    While he started to ask questions like "what would.make me mad,my turn ons, things that I like,my dreams, and plans ahead".then he also started asking me going out-in a park, in a mall,and showing public display of affection like linking my ear,thumb,Palm,kissing me in my lips-on the crowd.thats my first time ever.being with a guy that's never been afraid to show the people those's like we're newly weds.and I love it.i love the feeling that he's showering me
    But time came that we have to part our ways,for his work outside the country, it's like I'm helpless.i felt miserable because I'm afraid that I might lose him.but we still continued to communicate and have this techy ldr
    Every week we always do vc. And be sexy. I love it because I can see his other side and we never stopped teasing each other.but what I'm afraid of is that what are we going to be after 2 years..will we still be like this?
    Although he always says that i should think positive and look forward for our nights when he comes back..we will have this extreme sex. He also told me that he never think of anything else while at work but when on his break and resting time, he can t stop to think of me then he starts to feel lonely..I once block him In a messenger because I saw him online but never responded with some of my message,then he texted me and asked me why he can't send the message.i explained it to him,without nagging.i just told him that,it hurts me when I saw but won't reply back,so to avoid that feeling rejected I just decided to block you so I won't have a track on your online status. I just thought about myself and care to not be hurt I decided to block you..then he explained that he just stay online so I can sent him messages but I have to understand that he is working also..I told him that I do understand that when he is working but when I saw him online at home that hurts me if he won't reply. Even if it was his sleeping time,I won't see if he is really sleeping then because he is still online
    So just to avoid my bad thoughts because I will be hurt, I just blocked him.but he asked me to unblock him.then after that,I can see that he is not online for long hours and sometimes a day.but we have another messenger app where we stayed connected..I just think that he just ay wanted to prove that he meant what he said.and he is watching me..
    Then he started to ask the things I did every rest day..and he always cheers me's the other way around right?'s should be me,cheering him up.but it's like I am the one who's being cheered up by his photos..because I'm not into taking pictures..while for him,he always takes pictures of what's his doing the day, the entire hour and makes funny faces too..Im starting to love him for that.
    I never thought that he could be my said soulmate(if red string stuff is true) but it's like I always make reason for him to get angry but, he won't
    His patience is a real virtue.and he says sorry for still saving his ex wife's num. It's just because they got kids
    He plans of having me in a new house..not sure if it's his house anyways but he wanted to see me living in a nice surrounding.
    Is this soulmate or true love?
    His marriage is out of early pregnancy.. But what im after at is, can you us together living after 2 years?do you think we can surpass this longing and trust issues.i think that I already love him. And I feel that he loves me too..especially when he's saying we will set fire when he comes back again.

    You have a connection. But the question should not be, does he love you, but is he willing and able to make things work?

    LDRs can be long lasting. I have dated my boyfriend almost 3 years. Like any relationships, LDRs can be good or less good.

    Why are you always trying to get him angry?
    I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
    - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

    "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


      Welcome to LFAD!

      Oldlady: But what im after at is, can you us together living after 2 years?do you think we can surpass this longing and trust issues.
      It doesn't matter what we think...Do you see yourself together? Are you willing to put in the effort a LDR requires? Those are the questions YOU need to answer with your SO.

